[SSG] Saturday Update 7

Day 1,705, 06:20 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
All SSG members should comment if you read this, even with the blank comment

Open up proposal
Me, and Karasu used the proposal to upgrade our company and training ground when the promotion comes. You can have it too! Send me PM with your proposal.
More info: tinyurl.com/ssgbook

Congress Election
Next election is in 3 days. Feel free to candidate. PM me, if you want to join. I've made discussion about it, and so far we have active member who want to join to become congressman.

SSG Top Fighter
Week 5 Top Fighter:
1. Shizuma Hanazono: x 20 (500/25)
2. ardishabutaro: x 5 (200/41)
3. Auraborus: x 3 (100/41)

more info:

NBoJ log transaction
Since this term our President not order MoF to log the transaction, and more than 1 people have access in NBoJ (that make a auditing more complex), i voluntary found and track it myself with President and our MoF information.
I am not a part of government, just independent citizen who curious where our tax goes.

Commune system
Well, after talk with President exReality, i will run commune system in SSG. The detail will be published later. There will be 12 Q6 Weapon for work.


SSG Commander, Party President, and Warrior