[SSG] Saturday Update 14

Day 1,831, 06:09 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
All SSG members should comment if you read this, even with the blank comment

Congress Update
Since this is the first time we have a congress election update, i will inform you that the position of SSG support at congress this month is based on FIFO.
So, Five To Nine will be received first priority, then Auraborus, and the last will be mine

Don't Forget to Vote
All SSG Member should vote for SSG. After vote, please comment here, or the military unit board, or on the party feed to get your distro (20 Q6 Weapon and 120 Q5 Food) for 120 FF.

Weapon Distribution
Auraborus will be our sponsor this time for weapon distribution. Work for him for 6 Q7 Weapon daily; Only for SSG member.
