[SSG] Saturday Update 11

Day 1,733, 06:08 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
All SSG members should comment if you read this, even with the blank comment

SSG Top Fighter
Week 9 Top Fighter:

1. Battousai567: 8 W. Q7 (300/40)
2. Velours: 3 W. Q7 (100/41)
3. Mayer Rothschild: 2 W. Q7 (50/31)

By the way, how could a hitokiri battousai joining our Shinshengumi? I thought we are enemies 😃 😃 😃

Captain Regiment
Since there is no new candidate for second Regiment and for first regiment there is no candidate run then our captain regiment will be the same with last month. Distro will be distributed by Zetsurin (First Regiment) and Zabriel (Second Regiment).
Please let me know, if you haven't receive the distro from captain regiment 😉

Party President
Sorry for this month, since i am too busy with RL issue and haven't not pay attention for Party President election (and too focused with Captain Regiment), so I am sorry for telling you, Sumeragi Akeiko is taking over our party.
But don't worry (for now), we are still taking control the party; Congress (if we have region) will be determined by ourself, and for President Election, we will have a good communication for that.
For now, i support Geezus, because i am opposing the centralized Military Unit. The other candidate is Squibeel. I will tell you later for that, after congress election (25th).

Centralized Military Unit
Sad to tell you, our MoD proposing the draft to centralized our Military Unit, so the government only pay for State Military Unit (JSDF). I am opposing this, but, for now, i can say that the active congressman agree to doing that (BTW, only me, Geezus, and Master Tigers -3 of 4 commander from private Military Unit- that are opposing this).
The worst possibility is, we don't have distro from government.
This morning, Dank tell me that today is the last day for private Military Unit distro.

Sign in on SSG Board in forums! LINK. Grab your 5 Q7 Weapon as bonus there.
For Captain, don't forget to check the link to distribute at LINK

Thank you for reading,


SSG Commander, Party President and Warrior