[SSG] Saturday Update 10

Day 1,726, 05:11 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
All SSG members should comment if you read this, even with the blank comment

SSG Top Fighter
Week 8 Top Fighter:
1. MacBen: 8 W. Q7 (300/3😎
2. ardishabutaro: 3 W. Q7 (100/42)
3. Zabriel: 3 W. Q7 (50/29)

Day 1725 (Yesterday)

Day 1726 (Today)

By the way, congratulation for your archievement, MacBen. Hope you will win the monthly! Enjoy the prize for other winners!

Captain Regiment Election
Election will be held at 15th, if you want to participate, feel free to run at 14th.
I will determine what the best for 2nd regiment, after contacted with 2nd Regiment Captain this night. At least, their only have 2 active member.

The job for captain regiment is,
- To Distribute Daily Distro
- To Change the Daily Order
- To kick out people (not member) who didn't active for 21 days.

Forum Reborn
Thanks for Squibeel to rebuild our forums. The new forums is better than the old, for the background and the color. Thanks too, for Nowe: all data written there is loss, i was wrong when pick you for Country President.

For you who want to get your bonus, please Sign in on SSG Boar😛 LINK. Grab your 5 Q7 Weapon as bonus there.

For Captain, don't forget to check the link to distribute at LINK

Sell Weapon
57 Q6 Weapon sell at 17 JPY each (Cheaper than eChina, or eUSA). Please contact me, or comment on my post at our feed. Bid for lower price is accepted. Only for SSG Member.

Thank you for reading,


SSG Commander, Party President and Warrior