[SSG] Announcement

Day 1,734, 07:10 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
All SSG members should comment if you read this, even with the blank comment

End of Daily Distro
"With the centralized Military Proposal approved by congress, today will the last day for Private MU weapon distribution."

Well, as Dank said to me yesterday, after approved by the congress, the government stopped the daily distro for private Military Unit, and will be focused on centralized Military Unit (or i can say state Military Unit).
In this time, I would like to say thank you for all of you, all of you that participated for daily distro proposal, especially Auraborus (our ex-Commander, who created the proposal), Dank (MoD, distributor for distro), Akki and Geezus (MoF team), and all captain/second commander, who distribute the distro to our fighter.

I wish that the new system will be good for eJapan; o7

Since the daily distro stopped now, i would like to take a vacation for not to capture all the screen shot, report it to MoD, and distribute the distro to Regiment Captain 😃

SSG Top Fighter
Well, as i said before that i will take a vacation for doing screen shot, etc; in this time i will anounce that the SSG Top Fighter will be ended at the last day this month.
There will be last weekly (Week 10) top fighter at August, 25th, and August Top Fighter at the end of August. So far, our pole position is Hitokiri Battousai, leading far away from his competitor 😃

Daily Distro
Although the Top Fighter will be continued until last day for this month, the Daily Distro will be ended at this week. I will use the SSG Treasury for that; The formula will be the same with before:
15-29 Kills: 5 Q6 Weapon
30-44 Kills: 10 Q6 Weapon
45+ Kills: 15 Q6 Weapon

SSG Treasury
Well, since the Top Fighter will end at this month; i will discuss it with all of you about our treasury; where should we do with that.
For today, the Finance Committee is disbanded; Thank you for all the work until today o7

Congress and President Election
Since i don't know the future and the communication for 25th with eROC, all member are welcome to candidate yourself to become congressman.
For President Election, i don't know either; For personally, i will support Geezus, but i don't know at September 4th.
About PTO, since there is nothing we can do for that now, (and by the way all i know is eJapan is full with all foreign country) then i don't want to care about the PTO.

== Sponsor ==
Sign in on SSG Board in forums! LINK. Grab your 5 Q7 Weapon as bonus there.

Thank you for reading,


SSG Commander, Party President and Warrior

BTW, sorry for my poor english. Write it in Notepad before pasteing into browser (no auto correct). Auto refresh happen to me 🙁 IDK if it from Chrome or from eRepublik.