[SoS] Tutorial (Politics part 1)

Day 1,281, 10:32 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Tutorial about politics PART 1

Hello dear eSwiss!

I wroted tutorial about politics. In this first part i wrote about parties.
So lets beign!

In politics are important three factors:
1. Party
2. Congress
3. President

Also elections is important too for selecting things above.

Political parties are the foundation of the political system in eRepublik. To join a party access the 'Community' tab from the main menu and clicking on the 'My Party' link. Here you have two options: join or create a party.

Click Join a party and you will see all country parties. Select one and click JOIN PARTY. There is requirements: at least level 16 (125 exp).

Create a party allows you to create but you need at least LVL 16 (125 exp) and 40 golds. By creating you need to select: Party name, Economical orientation ( Far-Left, Center-Left, Center, Center-Right, Far-Right), Social orientation (Totalitarian, Authoritarian, Libertarian, Anarchist), Party logo and Disscusion area (That can be forum or chat).

You can see on party page election sector. Here are show Party President, Congress and Country president.


INFO (on this part):
Avatar and name of PP
Show results button
Show candidate list button
Candidate button - With this you can run for PP, but this cost 2 gold and you need at least 125 exp.

Party president elections is on 15. every month.



Number of congress and percentage
Show results button
Show proposed member of congress

*From 16. to 23. on every month you can run for congress. On 24. party president chooses offical candidates, and on 25. is elections.



Avatar and name of President
Show candidate list button
Our next candidate and his (her) goals.

Operation "Health"

SoS opened operation called Health.

What is mission of that operation?
Mission is to incerease health of Swiss citizens (with or without citizenship).

How you can incerease health of citizen, can you demonstrate?
With food of course, if player have not money for food or if player have too low wellness, SoS will gives him food every day until he have high wellness.

How i can inform you that i want help?
By sending PM.


SoS dont need anything at the momment but if you have something to donate it would be nice.

Secretary of Solidarity,
Luka Tomasevic Tomas

Official Journals of Government of Switzerland.
Governement of Switzerland
Swiss Ministry of Defense
Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secretariat of Solidarity
Swiss Ministry of Economy