[SFC] Issues!

Day 1,345, 15:29 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Dear eSwiss citizens!

I decided to write one more article about latest events.

Ministry of Immigration:

From now on Paul Proteus is Minister of Immigration and congressmen must ask him about accepting citizenship applications. I only want to wish him luck in his job.

Swiss Confederation Bank

I decided that it’s time to have major changes regarding the Swiss Confederation Bank. It has been problematic for a while now that only one person could access the national bank org, the current Minister of Finance and Economy, F4uc0n. This, and the fact that he refused to provide access to even presidents made him untouchable as the Head of the Bank. It is not a personal issue, but refusing to carry out presidential ordinances made the situation unsustainable.

Thus I had to take drastical steps, so as of today admins removed F4uc0n’s access to the national organization. Account balance of the bank on day1345 shown at the screenshot below. 40G and 20.000 CHF will remain at the org account, the rest will be donated to the Country Account, also on screenshot as of day 1345.

As we have a congress now it will be more transparent if donations will be controlled by them. We’ll keep the bank for security reasons, as in emergency situations Country Accounts can be moved to the org temporarily.

Swiss Guard

Our last issue is about Swiss Guard. I made Swiss Guard national army and zRTx (a.k.a ios at #eswitzerland) is current commander of it. He already started planing about communes and everything but we had few problems. F4uc0n refused to transfer 40 golds to upgrade his companies( Guradists will work there for supply) and also Dr.Pain would like to take control over Swiss Guard again.

I have full trust in zRTx, he is very active and hard-working guy thus I think he is the best choice for Commander of SG. However because of those pessimistic voices we’ll sign a contract with him:
-zRTx will get 40 golds from eSwitzerland to improve companies where our soldiers will work, and Comandership over Swiss Guard.
-if he resign from the position or will be removed from, he’ll pay the ammount back to the Country Account.


Official Journals of Government of Switzerland.
Governement of Switzerland
Swiss Ministry of Defense
Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs