[RO/EN]Gestul unui presedinte de a face bani pe seama Unitatilor Militare!

Day 1,535, 23:07 Published in Romania Romania by FSR Academy

English version: The gesture of a president to make money at the expense of military units!

Multiple sites of RO Units were left without organization after nationalization decision taken by the president of Moldova Vlad Tamas. Without any prior dialogue requested by virtue of the president, change e-mails to all national organizations, so many UM's night, as Green Berets Legion, Legion of Shadows, Zimbrii TMD, found themselves without some of the organizations belonging to them and money on it.

Attitude is clearly against the interests of Romania MU sites. In terms of dialogue in advance who would be treated orgurilor nationalization, the situation would not have escalated so much that the complaints of both parties come to stop any form of resolution and, moreover, led to blocking of gold and other values . President Tamas Vlad announce every day that move data to make the final decision will probably wish that presidential elections and pass it to wash their hands of any responsibility.

The gesture is not excusable considering that UM threaten important sites that bring daily damage and allies EN EDEN important and can be described as collective theft. Furthermore it leads to sabotage EDEN interests, so inexcusable. As a first step toward solving this conflict require that all organizations belonging to the MU sites to be returned, as their owners.

This article draws attention to the abuses that presidents can do against "political enemies" and military units. UM-sized organizations were created unit of the money provided by its members, and not a particular person (who at that time was master or treasurer of any UM).

Since among the national organizations are included, along with organizations and state owned organizations and political parties belonging to UM, it is clear that the request by the president in office in any country, reset email abused. Such is not however acceptable!

UM used by national organizations and political parties were created from their money, so they do not really belong to the state, their national organizations are being attributed only to be kept certain facilities, and now in order to protect the decommissioning.

Thus, it is desirable that the situation of national organizations belonging to any country to be characterized by clarity. This, again, does not mean thereby to punish those who disagree with you or deprive UM and political parties of their property.

As such, Moldova has a duty to resolve the situation of measures adopted by the President in office, Tamas Vlad, before the negative effects be passed on fighting capacity UM sites involved, readiness of Romania and eventually the readiness of Eden.

Versiune in limba romana:

Multiple UM-uri din RO au ramas fara organizatii in urma deciziei de nationalizare luata de presedintele Tamas Vlad din Republica Moldova. Fara niciun fel de dialog prealabil a solicitat, in virtutea calitatii de presedinte, schimbarea e-mailurilor pentru toate organizatiile nationale, asa incat peste noapte multiple UM-uri, precum Legiunea Beretelor Verzi, Legiunea Umbrelor, Zimbrii TMD, s-au trezit fara unele dintre organizatiile care le apartineau si banii aflati pe acestea.

Atitudinea este una clar impotriva intereselor UM-urilor din Romania. In conditiile unui dialog prealabil in care s-ar fi tratat nationalizarea orgurilor, situatia nu ar fi escaladat intr-atat incat nemultumirile de ambele parti sa ajunga la stoparea oricarei forma de rezolvare si, mai mult, a dus la blocarea goldului si a celorlalte valori. Presedintele Tamas Vlad anunta in fiecare zi mutarea datei in care se va lua decizia finala probabil din dorinta ca alegerile prezidentiale sa treaca si el sa se spele pe maini de orice responsabilitate.

Gestul nu este unul scuzabil in conditiile in care ameninta UM-uri importante care aduc zilnic damage important RO si aliatilor EDEN si poate fi calificat ca furt colectiv. Mai mult el duce la sabotarea intereselor EDEN, lucru impardonabil. Ca un prim pas spre rezolvarea acestui conflict se solicita ca toate organizatiile apartinand UM-urilor sa fie inapoiate, proprietarilor de drept ale acestora.

Prin acest articol se atrage atentia asupra abuzurilor care le pot face presedintii impotriva “Inamicilor politici” si a Unitatilor Militare. Organizatiile UM-urilor au fost create din banii unitatii puse la dispozitie de catre membrii ei, si nu de o persoana anume (care la acea data era comandant sau trezorier al vreunui UM).

Avand in vedere ca in randul organizatiilor nationale sunt cuprinse, pe langa organizatiile apartinand statului si organizatii apartinand UM si Partidelor politice, este evident ca solicitarea de catre presedintele in functie, in orice tara, resetarii e-mailurilor lasa loc la abuzuri. Un astfel de lucru nu este insa admisibil!

Organizatiile nationale utilizate de catre UM si Partidele politice au fost create din banii acestora, asa incat ele nu apartin in realitate statului, caracterul lor de organizatii nationale fiindu-le atribuit doar pentru a fi pastrate anumite facilitati, iar in prezent pentru a le feri de desfiintare.

Astfel, este de dorit ca situatia organizatiilor nationale apartinand oricarei tari sa fie caracterizata de claritate. Acest lucru, inca o data, nu inseamna insa a pedepsi prin aceasta pe cei care nu sunt de acord cu tine sau a deposeda UM si Partide politice de bunurile proprii.

Ca atare, Republica Moldova are datoria de a rezolva situatia generata de masurile adoptate de presedintele in functie, Tamas Vlad, inainte ca efectele negative sa se rasfranga asupra capacitatii de lupta a UM-urilor implicate, capacitatii de lupta a Romaniei si in cele din urma asupra capacitatii de lupta a EDEN.