[Project]Avio player's 2week giveaway!

Day 3,668, 16:19 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Project about giveaway food to avio player's continue and this week also.
Second week of donation start's now!

For remmember:

First of all, like Swiss avio player, you will need to join to country Military Unit just for avio players. Click here to join in the Military Unit.

Every Tuesday, we will donate you some amount of food, to have for fight in avio batlles, for all week. That amount will be not small and will be calculated from your contribute in the battles.

After completing the calculation , in new article you will get result's and how much country helped you.

How we will calculate?

Like member in the National Military Unit for Avio player's , every Tuesday, we will have reset on Weekly Leaderboards, there we will see how much damage you made for 1 week in avio battles, and by that damage, you will get amount of food.

2 week result's

List of donation's:

Murdersas - 5000q2 food.

MuyCaliente - 1500q2 food.

N.J Spykman - 1000q2 food.

Noah Ackermann- 3500q2 food.

MomonSyalala - 1000q2 food

Picture's of prove:


N.J Spykman

Noah Ackermann


New Calculate started on 05.12.2017!
Finishing on 12.12.2017 in daychange!

And HOPE is here 😉 We continue to work hard for our community! o7

Plato Foundation still cover cost of this project!

I know we told more giveaway by calculating damage on avio battle's, but we HOPE that soon, like community, we can give more... for now that was our Power...

Who want to help to this project, contact me

1st commander of Military Unit is Murdersas
2st commander of Military Unit is Muy Caliente (person responsible for food donation)

For any question, please click here!

Again i will remmember our community players, to join our discord channel.

Also read [ADC] New chapter of our History - Alliance of Developing Countries

Best regards,
Country President
