[ORION] Weekly Damage Report (now back with less color options!)

Day 3,500, 10:12 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ


in order to evaluate the damage of ORION members and ORION itself, we have decided to bring back Military Reports. Last months have been quite calm here, interrupted only recently by an attempt to have some fun with the local population of nearby Savage Island (also known as "Southern part of Ireland" to some people). Unfortunately, the local savages proved to be uncooperative and spoiled all the fun (well, atleast for now... 😉 ). Regardless, they still suffered a major blow, and they will not have a chance to be annoying to the rest of the world for some time now.

Anyway, without further ado, let's check out how are our countries doing!

Total Damage

Nothing surprising there, as France is our biggest and most populated member, holding half of our aircraft damage. UK is doing also a good job in the Air, while Canada prefers to stay on the ground more.



Damage per citizen

The second category however has different winners. Estonia is achieving amazing results in both categories, being dominant in Tank category and tied with France in the Aircraft. On the ground, Netherlands is also doing quite good, with Canada and Cuba being in the middle of both categories.



TOP Fighters and Pilots

France, UK and Cuba are dominanting all Tank divisions, each getting atleast one first place there. Netherlands is showing their Strength in D2, while Canada prefers to be involved in D4. In the Air, most of the best pilots are French, but all countries (except Netherlands) were able to place atleast one representative there as well.


