[Orion] Anniversary Special

Day 3,444, 03:21 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ

Well Orion and allies, here we are!
SG Aaron Mark Daniels here, and today Orion celebrates it's second birthday and I have been handed the task of helping us celebrate.
My relationship with Orion has always been strange. Indeed I spent the first part of my career in ePolitics absolutely hating the alliance. Something about always being invaded by those Netherfag dutch 😉
And now here I find myself two years later the SG of this close knit brotherhood. Something which has been a great honour!

Now lined up for us over the next few days we have many great things such as;
Interviews with people from Orion's past, present and future!
A Dodo Moron original comic!
So without further ado lets commence with an interview commenced by Azaraliiii of Saiwun!

A: Can you present yourself a bit?

S: Well like many here I'm a student, although I suppose I'm a little younger than the majority, as I'm starting university this coming autumn. I shall be completing a BA in Chinese Studies (I like languages), at the moment, am also interesting in learning Spanish. One of the reasons I like this game is that you can talk to people all around the world, albeit I have little time for eRepublik currently.

A: Why did you decide to take part in the creation of Orion?
S: That's an interesting story with a lot of background to it, I'll try to keep it simple. Long ago, I'm talking about LETO days, I was working as the MoFA for Iran. I had been heavily involved in the HQ of LETO, and we knew the alliance wasn't working. Over expansion of the alliance had led to many new members with no true links with each other, save for the LETO name: There was no "brotherhood", as people like to put it. Concerned with this, the HQ decided that the best move would be to disband the alliance. I was invited to oversee this and did so in Iran, but it was very hard work. There was a slight fiasco with Portugal and, in the end, this delayed the foundation and ultimately saw them withdraw. Eventually, after many months, Orion was born!

A: What was the main goal for Orion?
S: The main goal of Orion was closeness and a bond of true friendship. We did not want to overextend ourselves as LETO had done, nor did we want to be charter-bound to Asteria, Yes, we are an Asterian alliance, but we did not want to be administered by them.

A: How did Orion evolve in 2 years?
S: I haven't actually been very active with Orion after its initial creation, I'm not sure I am best disposed to answer this. However, from the looks of things, the Orion bond is still strong. Evidently, many friends have left, and new ones have joined, and I hope people will agree that we are a respectable alliance in our own right.

A: What did you expect from Orion?
S: Orion hasn't disappointed expectation. As we hoped, Orion is allied alongside Asteria and are a valuable asset to them. Personally, I expected Orion to stay a small alliance with a close community, and the way things lie now, there seems to be a geographical closeness as well.

A: What didn't you expect from Orion (Which did happen)?
S: Honestly?? I did not expect Orion to expand as it has done, and I must admit that it was a slight concern. Remembering what became of LETO, I was weary about Orion accepting many smaller countries, which I won't name. However, new members of Orion have done us proud, and I would especially like to commend Lithuania. Presently, Lithuania are a stone and capable nation who fight hard and truly do help their allies. This is the very spirit Orion was created in and they truly do honour it!

A: Last but not least, what are your hopes about Orion for the future?
S: Hopes for the future? It's hard to say as eRepublik is dwindling on. In all honesty, I would be content with maintaining the status quo.
Admittedly, world politics is one sided, and, without a massive chance in affairs, there is little to be achieved now of any great worth. Perhaps if there are developments between Pacifica and Asteria, then there would be something to fight for, but, without a new world war, evenly balanced, I'm not sure what else there is. Perhaps one day I shall finally run for Orion SG and wipe Asteria.... TIME SHALL TELL!

That's all for today! But tune in tomorrow for some more action 😉
Aaron Mark Daniels
Orion Secretary General