[ORION] Anniversary final day - Happy Birthday !

Day 3,462, 13:06 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ

After 7 incredible articles, here is the last one !

It was very important to us to write this article to thank all people who were in our side or not, to remember great moment we had together …

I’m active in Orion since May-June 2016, since i’m French MoFA. Orion was close to death when i joined them but adding some members was a real improvement and Orion get back to life !

Since this moment we increased our activity, our communication and our cooperation with our allies.
We went from a dead alliance to a major (or nearly :3) alliance in the geopolitical map.

In the last year we had to face several aggressive enemies : Mexico’s AS on the Netherlands, Argentina’s AS on France, War against Pacifica to help the UK.
Even after being beaten by our enemies in a first step, we always succeed to sort it out in a nice way.
We have shown that we were able to achieve great victories without the direct intervention of our “Big Brother”.
We also shined thanks to our aggressive move against several countries : Egypt and KSA, Ireland and Finland, Bolivia, Paraguay and other South American countries.
It resulted to the best gift for one of our former member : Lithuania who joined Asteria recently.

We spent hours and nights on Telegram and with our allies organizing battle plans, talking about serious business or not, trying to know what’s going on, why this country is doing that, etc .. That’s the best moment an alliance is able to have.

Orion would not be like this now if we didn’t have people to fight with or against, if we didn’t have common goals, if we didn’t have such hard and interesting times.

Thats why I would like to thank all people who were involved in this huge organization, Orion would still be dead without you guys.

We would also like to thank :
All Orion country members.
Our brothers who are next to us every day.
All our allies who helped us in the past year.
Every people who still believe in us.
People against who we fight, without enemies no game, you deserve our respect for every battle o7

Orion isn’t dead anymore and those who think the opposite will crash on us.
2016 was a success, let 2017 be one more 😉

Hail Orion! -The brightest star!
Hail Brotherhood!
Happy Birthday Orion !

A more personal word to close this anniversary :

During the past year i’ve met incredible people there. I realized that community is the reason i’m still involved in eRep. People who are in the HQ and work every day for it make Orion history possible, don’t let it fall.
I won’t ever thank enough those people to make it real every day, love you guys

Divided we fall, United we stand

Orion's God of advisors