[NaN]Proposing Change

Day 2,164, 10:21 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

As a member of the Proconsul, whatever that means, of the NaN alliance I propose that we immediately and without hesitation make some minor structural changes to the alliance.

Name Change
First and foremost I feel that is an undeniable fact that we need to change the name of the alliance to reflect events that happened at some point. Not to say that NaN is no longer non-aligned but it just seems odd to have certain terms like 'Nations' and the letter 'S' which assumes multitude of something.

I believe that changing the alliance name to 'Malaysia is Awesome' would highly benefit national morale as well as making our alliance more unique than all the other alliances. In that our alliance would be the only alliance that currently has any eCountries name in it. In addition it stays within the erepublik norm of being a sort of anagram.

Image Change
In addition to the change in name a change in image would also be more than appropriate. The current image in the alliance description still contains flags of nations that have long since departed the alliance. This new potential image would fit better with the new Alliance name and help to show eMalaysia's opinion of itself to the world.

Just Cause
eMalaysia has been alone in this alliance for I don't know awhile now and should be able to make some changes that reflect how awesome we are. Put simply despite being wiped out we still, for some reason, have a government and some sort of media. That is saying a lot especially since some countries don't have a media. Despite their 'power' or despite their 'pride' they just don't have something we have and they still don't know what it is.

Proconsul of NaN
(Roman Governor?)