[MoE] Important First Steps

Day 2,365, 04:19 Published in Canada Canada by Homer J Simpson

When you first join eRepublik there are some things you should do and many things you definitely should not do.

Many a detailed tutorial has been written in the past. Whilst these are helpful, they become redundant as soon as Plato (see eRepublik admin) makes yet another money grab change. For this reason I will keep this as simple as I can.

Let's start with the don'ts. DO NOT:

- Spend your gold and/or cash straight away
- Get frustrated (easy to do when you are trying to work out what the hell is going on)
- Take any comments personally (there are many trolls on here but most are just having fun)
- Worry about not being a big hitter early on


- Join a Military Unit.
MU's are the best place to meet people and learn. They will help you with food and weapons and are full of experienced players who are more than happy to help guide you.

Some MU's you can try are:


Captains of Industry

Canadian Armed Forces

Pickle's Patriots



All MU logos are links to their page. These pages give a description of the MU as well as letting you know who the commander is. If the description doesn't tell you otherwise, join and send the commander a personal message (PM) explaining that you are new and have just joined.

To PM just click on the commander's name and you will be taken to their profile page. The option to message is at the top right (looks like a little envelope).

The next step is to ask questions, simple as that.

If any other MU wishes to be included please pm me and I'll add your info

Produced by the Canadian Ministry of Education
May 2014