[MOE] eThailand

Day 2,158, 19:05 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

Hello again eMalaysia it is once again your partially uninformative Ministry of Education to instruct in a topic that might be somewhat foreign to many eMalaysians; the topic of course being eThailand.

Now I know that I, personally, have written a few articles about eThailand but, evidently, you can never learn enough.

The country itself occupies a small portion of Southeast Asia and has annexed parts of eMalaysia:

There was a relatively brief time when eThailand also occupied eSingapore. However eThailand released the small nation.

By now most people know the story of the war between eThailand and eMalaysia but just in case you haven't heard it here is the short version:


eThailand makes a threat deal with eMalaysia in which eThailand gains control of Peninsular Malaysia due to Peninsular Malaysia having a resource that eThailand wanted. The eMalaysian government accepts the deal and Peninsular Malaysia is transferred to eThailand.

Sometime after a training war between eThailand and eMalaysia is started but it results in eMalaysia getting wiped. Then the deal is broken due to Peninsular Malaysia being liberated and eMalaysia is wiped again on and off.

A new eMalaysian government attempts to make a deal with eThailand with ePakistan as a mediator but the whole deal falls through due to a Resistance war starting in Peninsular Malaysia and having the full support of the eMalaysian government.

Next there are Resistance wars on and off that don't really accomplish much until the TWO invasion of North America. Sometime after the initial infiltration eMalaysia took advantage of the spread thin TWO forces and organized several Resistance wars in Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak managing to liberate the regions and even attempting an unsuccessful attack against eThailand's homeland.

After eThailand is ejected from North America they focus their full force against eMalaysia and retake all liberated regions.

Sometime after these events another fresh government attempted to enter negotiations with eThailand but eThailand wasn't really interested. In desperation the new ePresident made a last ditch effort to liberate Sarawak before eThailand's shields were raised to astronomical values. The last ditch effort was a failure despite complete eMalaysian effort.

Those are most of the events, give or take, that happened between eMalaysia and eThailand in the "modern" times. But why is this important? Recently a few key members from eThailand commented on an article by our own ePresident:

Red text is a rough translation

It seems that eThailand does not have the highest thoughts of eMalaysia. At least that is what it looks like on the surface but if we translate to what they meant.

Red text is what they really meant

Obviously eThailand cares very deeply for eMalaysia, or at least eMalaysian media. And why should they? Take a look at eMalaysia's current media:

Pretty impressive. Three whole articles. Now take a look at eThailand's current media:

A respectable two articles. It is nothing to scoff at. However there is a HUGE differences between three and two. It is no wonder that so many eThai citizens come to read eMalaysia's media. There is simply more variety, more excitement, more rugged good looks.

I'm not saying their media is bad, I'm just saying I can't understand it.

OF course eThailand has to live with more than just having a weak media. They also have to live with the haunting fact that they can never into eTexas. During the TWO invasion of North America, not as well publicized as the PEACE invasion, eThailand made it their primary goal to invade and hold eTexas. Initially eThailand was successful in conquering eTexas, due in part to there being 7 different invaders, however eThailand was incapable of holding onto the region for any meaningful amount of time.

eTexas was liberated by the eUSA, conquered by eSerbia, liberated again, and finally conquered by ePoland.

ePoland was able to do what eThailand was incapable of doing. However, unlike eThailand they were able to do it alone.

Not eThailand.

Minister of education :

v-minister of education: