[MoD] Order Day 1856 [Updated][Closed]

Day 1,856, 01:19 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

All Japanese soldier must follow the orders

Update at 17.24

Fight for Hungary in Galicia and Lodomeria
Help our MPP, fight for Hungary

Fight for Chile in Argentine Northwest
Help our CoT alliance in Argentine Northwest

Still selling my food company with 9 Gold LINK, it is a great opportunity for you to build your company empire (normal price is 10 Gold by Plato). Now the production is at 140 food per day (for future, maybe 160), so it is a great opportunity for you all.
Ah, about new update, i got this from this LINK:

Snow fight!
Description: Snowman challenges you! Complete first mission requirement to accept the challenge.
You need to defeat Snowman before the end of Day 1875.

DIV 1: Defeat 22 opponents in 1 day, Defeat Snowman,
DIV 2: Defeat 44 opponents in 1 day, Defeat Snowman,
DIV 3: Defeat 66 opponents in 1 day, Defeat Snowman,
DIV 4: Defeat 88 opponents in 1 day, Defeat Snowman,


DIV 1: 2 x Bazooka Booster, 2 x BH Rocket, 2 x Energy Bar
DIV 2: 4 x Bazooka Booster, 4 x BH Rocket, 4 x Energy Bar
DIV 3: 6 x Bazooka Booster, 6 x BH Rocket, 6 x Energy Bar
DIV 4: 8 x Bazooka Booster, 8 x BH Rocket, 8 x Energy Bar

The Rockets damage varies according to the division you are in:
Div 1 : 75.000 damage
Div 2 : 375.000 damage
Div 3 : 750.000 damage
Div 4 : 1.500.000 damage

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