[MoD] Order Day 1855 [Updated][Closed]

Day 1,855, 00:51 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

All Japanese soldier must follow the orders

Updated at 4.43 6.38 18.04

Fight for Paraguay in Central East Chaco
This is CoT First Priority, Fight for Paraguay!

Mobile: Fight for Croatia in Tamil Nadu
Croatia want to run away from Indonesia. Please support Croatia in Tamil Nadu. Supply on #lograk

Ah, by the way i am using Squibeel picture because i don't have time to do it (find another picture). And i am too busy with this job and my RL (this job owe my RL too much ╮(╯_╰")╭)
And i am sorry for using FYROM word instead of Macedonia, i really don't know about it, and don't take it seriously. This is my lesson for my future. Thanks for informing me.
I am also selling my food company with 9 Gold LINK, it is a great opportunity for you to build your company empire (normal price is 10 Gold by Plato). Now the production is at 140 food per day (for future, maybe 160), so it is a great opportunity for you all.

Ah, i must inform it before forget: we already found Judas. To read about this, visit this LINK

Your MoD,
