[MoD] Order Day 1851 [Updated][Closed]

Day 1,851, 00:00 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

All Japanese soldier must follow the orders

First Priority
Fight for ePoland in Southeastern Anatolia
Important War, supplies on #COT.supplies

Second Priority: Mobile
Fight for eLatvia in Kurzeme
Move to eSK, fight for eLatvia

MPP Battle
Fight for eBulgaria in Marmara
Hold if your side > 52%, move into other battle

MPP Battle
Fight for eSerbia in Aquitaine
Hold if your side > 52%, move into other battle

Mobile Battle
Fight for eSpain in Lisboa
Move to eSpain, and fight for eSpain in RW.

CoT First Priority: Mobile
Fight for eBrazil in Amazonica
Move to eUSA, and fight for eBrazil

For other people, who meet me in IRC, just follow order from this article. If i am saying yes, or yeah, or yea, or other short answer, just ignore it, i don't change my order except i declare it on IRC and posting it in this article.
For Oraizan, as i said before to 2DG for my first MoD article, i got the orders from #COT.military. You can ask your friend there, if you want to cross check the orders, or you can check the order by yourself.
For other, this article will be created at my office hours time, or at my time at work. I will updated this as possible as i can, and this CoT priority will be on the top of all my priority.

Behind the story of my MoD article, i can say that i am too late for publishing the first news because:
- I have business in SSG MU, that must be end, before i work as MoD, after that end..
- I must wait for permission to #COT, and
This article created.

Your MoD,


Note: Yes. This article made on time! (for first time!)