[MA] We are Dio

Day 1,022, 04:42 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli

Hi guise, this time I will talk as PP of Stone Ocean. I wanted to write another articel about elections, return of NWFP, Serbia swap etc etc but it's kinda irrelevant atm.

As you all can see, there is a lot of people singning up for citizenship. Those people are members of SEES, eUSA Dioist party.

What I ask:
1) read, vote and obey this: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/all-people-applying-for-citizenships-1509620/1/20
2) don't fuck with current Pakistan relations (ie no backstabbing PHX cos of alliance who's members are Pig Disgusting Sweden and Spain)
3) no Emerick

If those conditions are met, I welcome you back to the Holy Sand.

What this brings? Dioism is again alive in Pakistan. Active population will double. Most of these people have high skilled accounts so it will help economy. Most of these people have connections in the New World, so foreign affairs probably wont get untouched. Wars.

In the best case scenario, base will be set up and more Dioists will come back as Pakistan wont be boring anymore. That will further increase economic/military strength so Pakistan will matter again. Maybe after a while we become #1 again (crazy dreams, but game is dying so everything is possible)

In the worst case scenario, Pakistan will be PTO-ed and everything that comes with that. IE destruction.

I don't want to go into what will happen, its not my job to look in beans and predict future. I dont want to believe one Dioist can backstab Pakistan, it's just not natural.

Also, what I hear is that some other Dioists are also gonna come back. If any of you plan on coming back, INGM me or /query MA|Laptop on rizon/mibbit.

I think I have covered everything, if not, I'll edit.


Stone Ocean PP and some other shite.