[MA] The cards are revealed | RIP AgentChieftain

Day 1,168, 19:48 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
EDIT: With great sadness I am informing you that AgentChieftain passed away in his sleep early in the morning of the day 1,169 of the New World. AgentChieftain was president of Stardust Crusaders, 8 times president of the Holy Empire, Supreme Priest of Dioism and a lot more. More information about this tragical event coming soon.

Disclaimer: I was told by a few that I am a little bit biased. I am very aware of it, I am trying to be as neutral as possible, but you have to remember that I spent over a year fighting for one side and 70% of my info comes from there. Also, I was writing this article before I went to bed, so whereever you see me saying "today", read "yesterday" and so on.

A lot of events occurred in the past few days. For us personally, they were really good. We finally got control over NWFP and Balochistan, hopefully we will get our capital Punjab as well as Sindh back in the next couple of days.

On a greater scale we saw a big mess between Serbia and USA. I can see that a little bit ironic from our perspective, as both countries keep mentioning us in their newspapers and saying how good allies we are, while they hate each other at the same time. I am positive that eventually these two countries will get into a direct conflict, and my suggestion is to stay neutral. We are above all nationalities, above all wars.

RWs, RWs, and some more RWs. USA is almost out of Asia, holding only one region at the moment. A lot of things were revealed regarding the future of PanAm, a little bit too much according to Sossu. He pretty much covered a good part of what was going on there. What I really didn't expect is USA putting such a weak resistance against all those attacks. They could definitely do much better.

What is also interesting is that by looking at the USA media, it seems that there is less and less chances of a multipolar world. That means these alliance shifts are interesting maybe now, but from a player perspective not much will change.

USA attempt to invade Serbia also revealed one really interesting and for most unexpected thing: Turkey joining PanAm. Some could have noticed that on the first picture that marked PanAm countries on the eRep Wiki Turkey was also blue. How accidental that was, I am not sure, but it was certainly amusing. Apparently, Turkish group Lazokrats, often accused for all sorts of cheating, especially by the other Turkish group INCI which resides in USA atm, is "blame" for this shift.

In the Europe, while nothing happened on the field itself, behind the doors we could have "seen" decisions that are drastic and unreal for the good part of population. Bosnia fell, after failed negotiations. Yesterday, after huge pressure by the population, Serbian president published an article (in Serbian) which quite vaguely explained what's going to happen. Still not even one Serbian Gov member openly said anything about MPP with Poland. About a hour later, Croatian president publishes an article too, saying, amongst all, that according to insider information, Serbia is going to sign a MPP with Poland.

Today it was official. Polish president smrtan proposed an MPP with Serbia which is being accepted at the time of writing this article. Serbian MoFA duo also explained Serbian relations with some of the more relevant countries. According to that, Spain is going to sign an MPP with Serbia, and thats the reason of not extending Serbian MPP with Brozil.

After months of waiting, we can finally see a little bit better shapes of the future alliances. For now we have 3 teams (EDEN, PanAm and NWO-group), but its very likely that EDEN might semi-merge into PanAm in future. As for the possible conflicts, I can see a couple.
- Invasion on Serbia is definitely the first thing on my mind. (Un)fortunately, that is not really likely to happen as USA is really far away from Serbia now, and DoW to China will mean erasing of a nearly full MPP set on one side. Of course, another option is a so-called "reverse land bridge" which would connect China to Serbia. Turkey would probably play a main role there, tho Bulg-Turk conflict still exist as a quite large obstacle. Also, in case Russia joins PanAm, a trip through Russia->Ukraine->Romania is possible

- Invasion of USA is definitely one of the most interesting things that happened in the past eRep history. USA/Canada is a very large playground, totalling like 70 regions, so Strategy wise, its very open. Ofc, as USA has so many regions, it's going to be nearly impossible to conquer them, but nevertheless, I think that option would be the most fun option for players of both sides.

- Invasion of Romania is another good goal. As far as I know, Romania never got erased in the past, so that's one thing. Other thing is recent hatred between Spoland and Romania, so Spoland might push for this one.

- Invasion of Hungary already happened, don't think it would be as interesting. Same with Spain/Brozil/Poland.

Pakistan should be somewhere around. We should stabilize our country, and then start a diplomatic machine. We aren't strong, but we have influence. We should make allies from all groups, but its a very dangerous game. If played right, we can gain a lot, eventually erasing Sweden (which is an ultimate goal for the most of us). But, if we play it poorly, then we might either become a puppet country of one alliance, or just end up alone against local forces. In past we have seen how enemies worked together in freeing us from Indian occupation, so I'm sure this is possible. Remember who the Dioist nations are, and help them wholeheartedly. I am sure they will help us in time of need.

Have a good day Pakistan.

Truly yours,