[MA] Serbian shizzle and stuff

Day 1,156, 20:13 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli

Hola people! I was very inactive in the past few months, mainly cos nothing interesting was going on. I became more active because of this whole NWO mess that was caused by a few players. I actually became more active in order to get more inside infos about it and know more. But, something other happened.

Two things actually. A LOT! tl;dr, search for bold

A couple of days ago Serbian president published an article which contained a couple of hits, but the last few lines were the most important. Admin allowed publishing of some numbers (suspicious MM transfers from country orgs to individuals). Names were said and there was a lot of argument inside of the comment section. After that one of the more respected community members writes an article where argument extended and mainly focused on eSr 3x prez desert hamster. After a while he got sick of it and said he will publish an article about everything, which he did. Things culminated there, another player publishes an article, exposing even more "dirty laundry" (at the moment of talking, it has 1800 votes and is #1 international article). What else will be exposed, I am still waiting to see. I'm quite sure it won't be everything.

On the other hand, across the border, in eCroatia, in their official newspapers you could also see names of the people who are responsible for stealing the property of their elite unit ZDRUG. Unlike their Serbian colleagues, they didn't make any direct links and connections and left to readers to investigate the thing themselves.

Now ofc I wouldn't be bothering you with all this stuff which is p much irrelevant to us at the moment, but inspired by it and inspired by Policy's latest article, I am wondering if there is any "dirty laundry" here. I know I could find out everything I need to know if I investigated a little, I doubt anyone is hiding anything. But some overview would be great. In form of an article, so it's easy to look. Things like how much we pay for MPPs, for military, what's background of China invasion, USA invasion etc etc. I was a 2clicker for over 3-4 months, and I have no knowledge about our country based on media.

And I know I might be attacked now for starting the fire (I am aware of S.Khan vs AbuZar argument right now, but for example I have no knowledge about this, other than accusations which disgust me). But that's really not my intention. I hate fights, esp when 2-3 arguments are being repeated over and over.

Which brings me to the whole idea of this article. I ask gov to publish an article explaining our current relations, where the money from State Bank goes (I'm donating my congress money, I'd like to know how its spent), how are things in PAF. Article about PAF was very well written, but there was not enough information about the structure itself. I want to join, but what do I do and what do I get by being a member? I can't find that.

And no fights please! It's not the right moment for that. Leave that stuff for later, when our borders are secure.

Sincerely yours,


P.S. Sorry for bad quality and no pics. It's 5AM and I don't have time, nor can put enough of effort into editing it and making it pretty.