[MA] No name

Day 1,355, 16:21 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli

Second article today, I must be on a roll. This one partially covers the new situation in which all of us are.

New missions
Admins introduced a couple of new missions which last until day 1361. Frankly, I don't really understand why such need to bomb us with missions and then let us be bored for months. In past, these timed missions were giving huge STR boosts and were used to silence the community down after major fuckups.

These new missions are, in my humble opinion, stupid. NE mission is not worth it, armies are fighting in RWs and for civilians its way too expensive. Paying Napoleon 2x definitely pays off more, if nothing you don't have to stress yourself with so much clicking. RW mission is easy if you are a MU member or a mercenary. Otherwise, not worth it as well. Other ones are not worth mentioning.

Aliens and mercenaries:
So, we are flooded with missions. What did the admins do then? It must be Aliens! I'm sure you all have heard about it. Long story short, AThompson accused admins adding damage against ONE. More details in this article.

On the other hand, with opening of a new Mercenary Medal, a new channel was created with purpose of redirecting people to the channels where countries are giving out free guns. For people with str 3500+ its pretty easy to get guns, 3000 is sometimes open, and rarely for 2500+. Due to the channel popularity, the limits are constantly going up.

How did it affect community? I would say by a lot. Active people, like me recently, are using around 1800-2200 wellness per day, attacking where ever they can. I was looking at my unit members, we hit for our MU maybe 1/3 to 2/3 of the time, and the rest of the damage is "random". We do have priorities, but we hit for anyone who's giving. I can assume a LOT of damage is now randomly spread, making all the "this alliance did x dmg" stats pretty obsolete. A game became a lot more self oriented, and much less team oriented like earlier. Why? Solo people are a lot more competitive and more likely to buy gold.

Until next time,

P.S. After my article, raao contacted me and answered on most of my questions. I will get on that in time. Glad to see that my article wasn't ignored, it means ppl still care 🙂