[MA] Enter the Matrix

Day 1,202, 15:25 Published in Serbia Serbia by bozli
Before reading: I ignored/forgot some parts, I am tired so can't investigate enough..

I didn't say a word about FA (Foreign Affairs) in a while, even tho a lot of things happened. FA atm looks more like a soap opera, and in the next few months everything can happen, tho basic shapes definitely exist. I am gonna focus on PanAm this time, as that area of FA is the shadiest imo. Also, there is this whole Rebellion mess I must comment on. Ofc I will be very brief, as talking more will get this article deleted. I never got FPs, I plan to keep it that way.

As I expected, PanAm is falling apart. The whole idea of multipolar world was great and interesting, but I don't think it was done well. The main issue I see is that membership was offered to everyone and their dog. You just don't do that if you want to make anything somewhat stable. I do understand the rush, but still it should have been planned better. I do hope PanAm will work tho, and that they wont be as dependent to EDEN as they are now.

The whole rush made one huge hole in US internal politics. I'm sure everyone by now knows about Turkish group inci and their attempt to "take over" USA. Despite what people think, I still think they are a PTO group, simply because they didn't integrate into USA society.

So I'm gonna do a little review of current PanAm members:
USA - practically the leader, and the creator of this project. Internal conflicts due to PTO. Main target of NWO group
Brazil - coleader and 2nd strongest country. Used to be in very good relations with Serbia, but hate towards Hungary and Spain is too big, so they joined USA.
Canada - I like to call them USA dog, don't even know who runs that country. Quite inactive.
Japan - Same as above
Argentina - Same boat as Brazil
France - was invaded by Poland/Spain. Doesn't seem strong but due to their position, one of key players.
UK - ex PHX country, IMO the biggest surprise. Rent deal with Serbia.
Turkey - shady member, USA has MPP with Greece, Turk players PTOing USA.. Very shady.

Considering Argentina and Brazil are more likely to help Indo than USA, inci issue etc, I really think that things for USA look really bad. Things that could happen:
1) France rents rubber to Serbia and lets Serbia border USA.
2) UK leaving PanAm
3) Brazil staying completely neutral in indo vs usa war or even helping Indo

Operation of USA destruction certainly would go faster if there wasn't a new admin change. You all know what will change, I won't go explaining what has been explained 1000 times.

What pissed me off personally was ignorance of admins. Players perspective is obvious. MM going crazy, no more tanking except from personal funds, without removal of supertanks. You can read more here. The first day, on #wiki, a couple of us asked admins questions, Belea kept telling me I have to understand the admins' perspective, but he never bothered giving me reasons. Later on I heard a couple of things that could be treated as admins perspective. Removal of cheating is the first one. Multies etc etc. Second is illegal buying of gold. I found that reason to be valid and that will certainly reduce the amount of illegally sold gold. But they could have just enforced the no illegal selling rule, right?

A lot of presidents were banned, no bans are gonna be lifted as it is now. As a counterattack, community is closing all the wars on server. This very much reminds me of the fight between admins and community when boosters were added. And then when V2 started. Both of those battles admins won, but a cost wasn't small. Number of active players decreased.. We are yet going to see how this latest fight will affect the community. I can imagine a lot of people quitting as there are no more fights, and key players in countries quitting or getting banned, which will decrease the quality of the gameplay, eventually dropping player numbers further.

To conclude, once when the battle between admins and players is over, the new World War will start and definite shapes of alliances will be formed. I hope that will be soon, as with every day community fights admins, the damage on the game is going to get bigger.

Stay strong,
Morbid Angel.