[MA] Dramma

Day 1,163, 15:04 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
First of all, thanks to all who have voted for me. More real people voted fro me than for Vegera, I'm rather positive.

Epilogue of Poland leaving EDEN is still to follow. After all the mess I tried to explain in my previous article, a bit more things happened. First, Croatian MoFA wrote an article where she said what happened in the famous meeting. The article was in English and published in Poland, in attempt to put themselves into a bit better light to Polish people. In response, Cerber, Polish MoFA publishes an article providing a full log of the meeting. A good part of the log is in Serbian, but its more or less repeating of whats said in English. Reason for this media battle didn't change so I'm not gonna repeat.

In Serbia, Party who holds CP was kicked out of top5. Before that they announced that they won't have any congress candidates. Right after, someone proposed an impeach of Serbian president. Even some of political opponents of UeS, party who holds CP, ordered voting no, because its very risky to impeach president because USA is advancing.

The New World Order is close. And by that I don't mean High5 w/o one finger. CP of USA published and article regarding PANAM alliance. A lot of unexpected things there. There were rumors floating around that Turkey will go with PANAM, but it didn't really seem logical. Apparently, it's going to happen.
Battalgazi disagrees with Turkish gov and says he will keep fighting for his friends. A month or so ago, he took Hungarian cit, I wonder if these negotiations last since then..

Greece and Turkey in PANAM together? When I look at the facts, it is possible. Turkey is obviously in negotiations regarding joining, and USA had their army companies stationed in Greece during PEACE invasion of USA. But both Turkey and Greece based their baby booms over this endless battle. After seeing how Serbian and Croatian pop reacted to the alliance (back when there was talk about "Superalliance" which would consist of cromania, spoland and serbia/hungary), I don't know how that marriage is gonna work.

And others? Russia in PANAM? No idea how. Parter won't be happy at all. China in PANAM seems natural, due to their connection to USA. Cromania joining makes me sad. I was really thinking that after all this power shifting the world would become multi-polar. In case Cromania joins PANAM, the world will be bipolar. Ofc, they won't leave EDEN, but I don't think EDEN will last much longer. I personally give it 2-3 months after Spain leaves.

Where are we in all that story? This whole thing about looking for personal interests is very bad for us, simply because we are weak and other big countries doesn't have to defend us, unlike in the past. We should pursue our own interests too, but we must decide what we want. Set goals. As for which group to join, I don't know. I was never fan of neutrality, I simply don't see the point in being peaceful and neutral in a game. There is just no fun in it. But I don't think we should go flame around, and ruin the fun for others. Its not a Dioist way.

What I think we should do is keep being officially neutral. Because, afterall, /v/akistan is above all nationalities. We should make relations with other countries tho. With Serbia we had good relations, even since that landbridge that took Serbia to Asia. I still think Serbia profited a lot more from that, and that they still can do things for us. USA is also quite friendly, but USA always pursued their own interests a lot more than other countries did. With China we should make peace. Yes, I know its against what I said in the other paragraph, but there is no point in warring a country which can erase us anytime. And no, also doesn't mean we should rent our regions to them. Pakistan should be whole. As soon as possible! Brozil and Russia have a decent number of Dioists, we should use that as our advantage.

As for our goals, first goal should be to free our originals. After that I don't know what to do, it's up to gov to decide. As for the long term goals, I think it should be erasing of Sweden. We erased one pig disgusting country, its time to erase the homeland of the pig. As a goal itself, its quite high, we will need to develop a good economy and military in order to be able to take on them. And also we will need a good diplomatic relations, so we can swap across half of the world and through some very important original regions, just to get there.

As for this PTO, they come and go. These guys returned again after around 6 months of absence. They will attempt to do some scripting etc like the last time. I suggest ignoring them in media, don't give them attention. From what I heard, they aren't backed up by EDEN nor Croatia (Ukraine should pto their own country back lol) so they are pretty much medal hunters. And medal hunters want attention. So try not to feed them. If it's needed we can always ask for a help from bigger countries that we have good relations with.

Till then, take care and chill.
