[MA] Dioism: The beginnings

Day 1,490, 06:46 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
KARACHI, China - Gentlemen, this is the introduction to the series of articles which I am going to write in the following next few days. RL obligations delayed this, but I finally got some will to do it. Topic of this series is the history of the Holy Empire of Pakistan, Dioism as an world-dominating eReligion and /v/akistani, as the population of the Holy Empire. Even though I have planned to start with the end of that era, I have decided it might be better to just start it from the start, in order to explain readers why the system was good. Because it was good, the best one so far. This is a long read and I apologize in advance, but there is much to be said so bear with me.

The Beginnings

In the ancient times, there was nothing but sand. Sand randomly evolving without time or space.

Dioists came to Pakistan at the end of 2007, at the start of the game itself. Many game features didn't exist back then (booster training lol), such are war module, citizenships or a world map (latter two introduced in mid 2009). /v/akistani came from an videogame section of the one quite notorious imageboard, and being gamers they knew the magic of a proper organization in an online game.

On the first day, particles of sand randomly formed a shape. Through conscious or unconscious choices of the sand, Dio was born. There was nothing but the sand and Dio knew everything and could do everything through it.

Game itself was still building at that time. There were no achievements (Top Fighter lol), media module was bugged and companies were limited to Q4. But military module was just the matter of time, and good organization and planning would give /v/akistan the edge.

On the second day, Dio spoke and said "ZA WARUDO". And the sand moved and ZA WARUDO was created. And Dio felt good.

ZA WARUDO were official /v/akistani newspaper, created by Irukanji, and later moved to AgentChieftain. They had multiple writers and editors who published articles on daily basis, informing citizenry about the updates and random stuff.

Falcon looked and was amazed by the beauty of Pakistan. Dio said : "thou arest the very first Pakistani and you will be knowneth hath the GURETO VEEZARU of Pakistan". And Falcon did not understand for everything was perfect and needed no ruler. Dio knew already what would happen.

But it wasn't the media which gave /v/akistan the edge once military module had started. It was the way society was built. Media was only one tool. /v/akistan was always a communinst country. People worked in communes, which were controlled by the government, there was only one party, Stardust Crusaders and everyone worked and acted as one.

/v/akistani communes model has been used by other smaller countries and military units in larger ones for years after. But initially, it was a product of a hole in the game. Companies had no productivity limits, so you could hire 500 people and still have the same productivity. Hence, /v/akistan needed only one company per resource type (there was more diversity back in the day, others can write about that). Soon after, admins added max productivity because of /v/akistan.

Pakistan wasn't the biggest in terms of population number for too long, Sweden passed them a month after the game started according to this. Multies are suspected.

"We wanted to have democracies in every country, yet we couldn't stop Pakistan from Erepublik from becoming a military dictatorship. We just intervened after observing that in so little online time, the system was already preparing for a world war" - Alexis Bonte, eRepublik Labs CEO.

With the introduction of the Military module being close, the first alliances were starting to form, shaping the world which we could see until the creation of ONE.

With that I would conclude the first chapter of the history of Holy Empire of Pakistan. My next article will talk about taking over China and India, forming of FIST, NA, Atlantis and PEACE GC.


P.S. I was inspired to start this article today by the article of MoMS. Even though I am not participating (av khan covered my part, but I'd prefer younger people taking part and winning anyway), I'd like to support the initiative. Deadline for the current contest is 16:00 December 21, Day 1492 of The New World.

Click, write, publish.