[MA] Civil war, the next level of gaming experience

Day 1,161, 02:54 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
Ever thought about that guys? Civil war, people fighting against gov etc. I did think it's possible in eRep, just never witnessed one. Yes, I saw people hitting against orders, but never in this extent.

Yesterday a lot changed on a global political scene. First, we saw Poland leaving EDEN. EDEN responded with quite weak article, talking about the situation and how they will live through it. With recent Spain issue (Romania tanking against Spain, Spain signing a MPP with Hungary, trolling, whining etc) I am not really sure how EDEN plans to survive without 2 out of 3 strongest countries but I'm sure they have something in mind.

Right after Poland's article, articles followed from Serbian and Hungarian MoFA newspapers. They were congratulating Poland on leaving EDEN, which would be standard propaganda article if there wasn't something else going on. At about the same time (not sure about this, I know it held yesterday), there was a meeting between Poland, Serbia, Croatia and BiH govs. The purpose of the meeting: peace between Serbia and Croatia, 3rd or so attempt. Reason of the meeting: Poland is still in somewhat good relations with Croatia so they cannot extend relations with Serbia without this peace. Serbia offered freeing Bosnian regions in return, as explained in the latest article of their MoFA newspapers, which was signed by Polish MoFA and CP.

The famous NWO, one step closer to its formal creation. But almost. Croatians said no. "No to the blackmail", as Croatian president said. I somewhat agree with him. There are two major arguments in this dispute, one made by Croatian CP who said something in lines "we are the last line of defense against creation of NWO, why would we give it up so easily", and the other one is made by Cerber, Polish godfather and current MoFA: "They could erase you anytime, you can declare NE anytime, but no, better to try being the center of the world. Well, you're not. You used to be, but now noone cares." From a neutral point of view Croatian argument is stronger, but they are both valid.

What's actually going on is, Poland wants to sign an MPP with Serbia, but their population is still connected to Croatia so to prevent a war inside of Poland itself, Serbo-Croatian peace is a must. Croatia sees that, and refuses to accept numerous peace proposals. Ofc, it's not only cos of that, Serbian first attempt to peace was accepted by Cro gov, but people hit against orders and obviously gave their opinion. Congress disagreed too. So I'd guess gov now doesn't want to go against the people, esp knowing as earlier Croatia had a spot in this NWO alliance, but now they don't.

Poland seems to lose patience tho, especially as more and more Croats (so not only Romanians with ZDRUG avatars) are trolling Poland. In Croatian presidental article, Cerber commented with "We will sign any MPP we want to and your emocrying wouldn't stop us. " I am wondering if Poland will extend their MPP with Croatia which expires in about a month..

At the same time in Serbia a lot of stuff happened too. ALOT. Serbian MoFA made one more article, in Serbian. The whole situation was explained there, with a few lines where they tell people to fight red in East Srpska Republic RW. People disagreed. "People" as the whole thing was started by a couple of individuals. In the end, you had 160 people in channel #napad on mibbit hitting green, and Serbian gov tanking against them. Not to forget dozens of trolling articles, and spam attempts of a few official channels. The next following rounds people also hit against, with gov tanking but RW seems locked atm. I knew manipulation of masses was done often in past in this game, but I had no idea how easy it can actually be.

So all in all, it was a very interesting day yesterday. Now I think things will calm down again, at least until Spain leaves EDEN. Until then we have to watch a couple of ping pong battles. And ofc, to free Pakistan original regions, its about time I think.

On something internal. I have moved to Vento Aureo from Stone Ocean. All respect to DDimow for creating this Dioist oasis after India erased us but Vento is still older successor of the original Stardust Crusaders. Also, less important, PTO purposes. I have candidated for PP there, it was a misclick, I was nub enough to click on a wrong button. Not even confirmation button stopped me lol. So if someone else wants to be a PP, feel free to candidate, I will leave my candidature open until its decided..

Also, I have noticed some people are being disappointed in Dio Brando for leaving again. Sorry people, he has a RL, and he is on vacation. But he will be back. Don't worry. Keep your copy of Book of Dio and read it in the hard periods.


P.S. No pictures here either, no specific reason, I was just lazy.