[MA] About many things - Part one: Dioism

Day 1,254, 16:18 Published in United Kingdom Serbia by bozli

Disclaimer: This is the first article of a series, which I will write if I have enough time. All in all, I am going to cover UK leaving Terra (I feel obligated, having your citizenship and all), Serbian attempts to "escape the Balkan cage" and internal matters there, covering up internal Dioism matters and their relations to others et cetera. In other words, I will write before I get bored. This first part is about Dioism, because I am a hardcore Dioist, even tho I do not belong to the /v/akistani Dioists, I'm too young for that. As much as I would want to, please do not treat me as one.

Before reading click on the picture, it will take you to a powerful base of knowledge:

I was thinking today about writing an article and maybe finally getting my avatar done (planning to do it since December), when I saw The Mystic Panda pasting the text of this article in #ePakistan. Text was very tl;dr, and was hurting my eyes because of my black IRC background, so I made a combobreak by talking about my fart. Then I saw word Dioist and got interested. Then I started thinking about Pakistan, the Dioism, and about my 8 months spent there.

Diosim is struggling, Pakistan is struggling! On top of everything, I see fighting. I am not gonna go and say that Panda's article was right or wrong, I am not informed enough. But for all I know, something is wrong there. You all have to get your shit together, we have to! Because this is leading us nowhere. /v/akistan, once a powerhouse, is now sitting in between 2 massive alliances, being ignored by both, while being almost literally raped by the third. I have a lot to say on this matter, something that would be very interesting to my UK readers, but all will come in time. But before this article becomes my whining about Pakistani internal matters, I am gonna stop and go back on the topic.

Where is Dioism now? Many ask the same question. Read this article, written by one Swedish player. To give you the first impression I will start by listing Dioist countries, then go more in details. Pakistan, UK (ex-Terra), USA(Terra), Brazil (Terra), Russia (Terra), Serbia (ONE), France (Terra), Bulgaria (EDEN), Malaysia, Portugal. I don't think I missed anyone.

From just a glance on the list, it's obvious: Dioism = Terra! Especially when you know Spain is in ONE, and Sweden is close to joining. But is it really so? China erases Pakistan, Terra doesn't care. USA disrespects a bro because of a "long time friend" whilst USA CP is a Dioist as far as I know. Then direct cross-alliance battles between Dioist countries. The conclusion: it doesn't matter if a country is Dioist or not, nobody cares about that anymore! Old alliances stopped existing and "the World has moved on."

Are we irrelevant? In eyes of many yes. In our eyes, no. We are a proud nation and at the moment we overestimate ourselves and our power. But it can easily be made true. Just with enough effort. People can still be part of their other communities, it's not a problem. I really wouldn't be able to pick between my unit Skorpioni, people I know IRL for 2 years now, or Dioist community. I don't ask it from any of you. But, we should start hanging out more often, recreate the bonds we used to have. Then we can start spreading the wise words of Dio Brando, because they ARE wise. As funnily as it may sound, I did learn a lot from it, even IRL. And I don't really consider myself as a retarded and naive guy.

To finally end this chapter, I am going to say this: even though I don't have time to actively participate in everything, I will try spreading some of my ideas towards people with ambition who will, I hope, gather all the Dioists onto one place. I know this trans-national community can work, it's that awesome! How and where, in time.

Until then, stay strong.

Sincerely yours,