[HUEWEA] Diálogo de adultos

Day 1,926, 19:17 Published in Argentina Israel by Lorcema

Otro cortito y al pie 😛

English translation (poor english, but english 😛)

Look, my son.
Mom betrayed me and started dating other men, believing they were going to pay her surgeries and other favors, but they screwed up she.
But as Dad is good, and thanks to Roto, very wise, I will leave her alone for a while, to fix her little problems.
I hope this will be enough time for her to think how things are.

Sim, Pai e muito amavel e benevolente.
I wanted to take his home and belongings, but now I have to get my pants off for trying to betray him, because things did not go as I wanted.
But you, baby, you're a teenager, you have to understand that you do not have to get into the adults fights. If not, Dad punishes. Você understand?

Listen your mom, small donkey. If you keep bothering dad and his friends, with your little neighbors, and also you still defending mom (although you do it when it suits you), Dad will going to send you to school exchange at Australia.
Remember you had a bad experience? Do not make me angry, yes, sonny?

Oh Dad, is very difficult. If I made a condoro, I will not do it anymore, cachai?
Do not send me to Australia, please!

(didn't talk)

For foreigners: who is who in this parents talk?

[HUEWEA] Diálogo de adultos
Family Crisis - Now in english