[Feds] Interview with Kody5

Day 1,852, 13:26 Published in USA USA by irule777

Today I sat down with a newer member of the federalist party. An active, experienced, and all around hard working and friendly member, Kody5. For me this was my first time getting to really talk to Kody and I was happy to learn more about him and his experiences with this game.

First we learned about his background

1. How long have you been a member of the Feds and what originally made you join?

Kody: "I'm a recent Fed, 2 months. I joined the Feds because when I played back in 2010 the Feds where there and they always supported America. I had recognized only one other party and that was the USWP. As well as me being in Easy company."

2. Where you into any politics or anything special when you played back in 2010?

Kody: "I ran for Congress twice with the APF I think. Might have been once. I was with See's for a little. Most of my old playing time was Trolling and Military stuff lol."

3. So what originally inspired you to join eRepublik or exposed you to it?

Kody: "I just ran into it one day. I don't play games much, only when I'm bored, so I was bored one day and I typed Strategy games into Google and erepubik came up. I joined and now I still play, lol."

Then we learned about his career and time in the Feds

4. According to your Bio, you've held a few jobs in the Feds. Which has been your favorite and why?

Kody: "I haven't really done much with the Feds yet. With the little I've done I like the QMing a lot. also like recruiting people. Bring newbies in the feds and watch them become Great."

5. What has been your favorite thing about the feds party?

Kody: "Community and the pride the Feds can give you after a day or two. I never really was a party > self person until i got to the Feds. Now I Plan on doing as much as I can to help us rise to the top and stay there."

Then we learned about his future plans and endeavors to come!

6. What are your future plans for your time here in the USA and feds?

Kody: "I wouldn't mind being president, lol. But until then I enjoy doing the Little things. I do want to get into congress at some time, lol."

7. What are your plans if you were to get elected to congress or something on that level?

Kody: "Do my best to represent the Feds and America in the cabinet. Also combat the PTO we are in as best as I can. Just what every American in politics should do."

Then we just got to know him a bit better and get some advice!

8. What advice would you have to newer players who want to get involved in the Feds party?

Kody: "To just keep trying. The Feds pride ourselves in making the new ones reach high positions. If you show you want to try and care. You will get your chance."

9. Who's your favorite fed and why?

Kody: "My favorite fed. Hmm. Fingerguns. Only because shes been here since I started and Shes always had the best things for America in her mind.

10. Anything else you want to say about the feds or anyone?

Kody: "Only thing is that we are the Best Party in the USA. If you aren't a Fed, I suggest you join. Become proud and Horny like me!"

Interview with:Kody5

~By Irule777