+Exclusive Interview with Moishe, Vice Presidential Candidate+

Day 410, 18:08 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

This is an official interview, as strange as it may seem, lol.

It was late in the evening when I finally got a hold of Moishe, Desertfalcon's vice-presidential choice. He was at one of his regular hang-outs, the e21 Club, sitting alone at the back with a fifth of Jack Daniels on the table before him.

I waved as I crossed the floor in his direction. When he noticed me he waved back.

"Hi, Mo!" I said as I joined his table.

"What's up, Brother? Find the place alright?"

I nodded. "Parking was a bitch."

He smiled. "Always is." He gestured at a waitress wearing little more than short shorts and a halter top. When he got her attention he pointed in my direction.

"Coke," I said.

"No drugs, Brother," Moishe interjected.

"I meant 'Pepsi'." At my reply he smiled. Is this man ever serious?

I went to take out a cigarette before I noticed the no smoking sign behind the bar

"So what were you wanting to ask me, Chisholm?"

I turned on a micro-recorder. He immediately picked it up and dropped it in a glass of water that had otherwise been untouched.

"Uh," I said, "Ok, no taping?" He smiled. "Right."

"Well, Moishe, tell me, what will you bring to the table as vice president?"

"Other than mass quantities of Jack Daniels, gilfilte fish and bagels?" A smirk. I didn't get it.

"Sorry," he said. "As vice-president I hope to be the ying to Desertfalcon's yang. When I was General of the Army he and I had several little debates about Army issues."

"Desertfalcon is against the Army?"

"Not at all!" he exclaimed. The look in his eyes made me wonder if I had crossed the line. "Desertfalcon is 100% eMerican! He bleeds red, white and blue! Never doubt his commitment to our country."

"He should probably get that blood checked out, doesn't sound healthy, but that's not what I meant, I just.."

"Back to your question. We had a few debates on Army organization, the Army pay deal and stuff such as that. The man is a genius and I support him 100%. But we also have some differences and I hope to be able to influence him in those directions."

"Like what?"

"Well. I'd like to see more Regional Responsibility in the Army. Maybe independently formed State Militias supported by Companies and Orgs located in the various states."

"How would that help?"

He took a sip of his Jack as the waitress sat my Pepsi down on a coaster.

"It would be easier at the State level to get in touch with new people. To prime them for service, get them into the National Guard and then into a unit of the Army based on their State of Record."

"But wouldn't it be better if they fought from Florida or somewhere with a Q5 hospital?" I asked.

"Sure but this might add a competitive nature to the game of war. Alabama versus Mississippi in damage points. Stuff like that. Anyway that is just an example. My point is while Desertfalcon and I have similar ideas we also have some differences. I hope to have some influence in those areas. I think I will."

"Ah, I see." I sipped my Pepsi as he poured another glass of Jack. "As VP what will you be able to do that should sway voters to you and DesertFalcon?"

He laughed. "Sway voters? I don't think voters can be 'swayed'. We have a lot of damn smart people in the eUSA who are going to vote what they think is right. I have a lot of friends who have promised their support. I have a lot of friends who are going to support others. More power to them. May the best man win. I think that is Desertfalcon or I would not be in this campaign but I am not going to say I have some 'magical power' to bring in hundreds of votes. People know what I am all about. I have gifted a lot because I love my country. I've raised a lot of hell because I love my country. If people can't see that, well, we had a saying in the Marine Corps...."

"And that was?" I asked.

"It's unprintable, Brother," he answered.

"Ah," I nodded. "I think I get it."

"So, what is the relations between you and DesertFalcon?"

"We don't have relations. Who told you that crap? We're both straight and proud of it!"

"What? I, uh..."

"I'm picking at you," he said. Is this man EVER serious?

"As I said earlier I have the utmost respect and admiration for Desertfalcon. We don't hang out if that is what you mean. He has his friends and I have mine. We are basically very different in may ways. But in one way we are the same - we fully intend to do all we can to take the eUSA to the top!"

"How influential will you be on his decisions or will you be more of a 'Yes Man' per se?"

The look he gave me sent shivers down my spine.

"'Yes, man'? Do I look like a %$%## 'yes, man'?"


"I'm kidding! Relax! Ask Benn Dover if I was a 'yes man' when I was General of the Army. Ask anyone that knows me if I will do anything other than what I think is right. You'll get your answers there."

"I see," I said. At that moment a beautiful lady approached the table.

"My wife is here, Chisholm. If you will excuse us we have a date."

"Thanks for the interview, Moishe."

"My pleasure, Brother. Be well!"

I waved as he walked away, sipped my Pepsi, and took my backup recorder out of my coat pocket, already recording,

"Like hell no recording" I said as I got up, and started to head back to the hotel