[eUK] - Support or indifference to Dictatorship

Day 3,903, 12:47 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


Another article in the Daily eWorker (I need to get back into the Bank of England). Anyways I wanted to post a quick public response to a request of Congress by our current Dictator to act as a public record to reference against any future publication on this matter.

The request and my initial response and an initial counter;

Support or indifference to Dictatorship

Another Power - Publication

To all those who voted for the Workers Rights Party in the July 2018 Congressional elections. Thank you for your vote. You have my assurance that;

I, Huey George I'm not resigning from Congress, this can not be read as support or even indifference to dictatorship.

I reject outright the validity of this "poll" and while the normal levers of power are denied me by the current dictator, there remain areas where he is powerless. These are my voice, whether or not I resign from Congress and a whole host of other avenues of power.

Of course, he can and interpret this in whatever manner he chooses as in his own words has "very little time and attention for pretty speeches and am all about action"

In addition, you are welcome to interpret this however you choose however I'm not resigning from Congress and I don't support or I'm I indifferent to dictatorship.

Thanks for reading

Huey George

Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Founder and Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Founding member of the Co-Operative of Equitable Pioneers
Founder of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Former Minister of Finance / Governor of the United Kingdom
Former Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minister of Education)
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Former Country President/Prime Minister of the United Kingdom