[eUK] - For our return to Democracy and healing our society

Day 3,902, 11:52 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


It's been a while since I published an article via the Daily eWorker. Erep and my real-life has recently got me thinking about real life values such as inclusion, equality, diversity, tolerance and respect in our e-society.

This article won't be about the current Dictatorship (as there are a few well written about) however perhaps the future we can look forward to beyond it. (Already! I know however the eUK is at the best when we are in a democracy and this is just a bump in the road as a return to democracy is inevitable)

Recently lots of opposing viewpoints have been debated with vigour, intensity and heat which can be accepted as we can’t be expected to agree on everything, all the time. However, when conflict is mismanaged, it can cause harm. Perhaps as far as some hurt feelings in a browser game. I think we can all agree that we've witnessed some inability from all involved to recognise and respond to the things that matter to the others

In real-life the House of Commons aims to provide a positive, inclusive working environment where people are valued for the skills and experience that they bring to work. Its aim is to be representative of the society we serve. This means making parliament more accessible, diverse and free from discrimination.

It'd serve our community well if we had similar aims and perhaps encourage healthy responses to conflict.

Some brief research

As words like inclusion, equality, diversity, tolerance and respect hold different meanings for people. However, I've attempted to outline each below;

Inclusion should be seen as a universal e-citizen right. The aim of inclusion is to embrace all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need. It is about giving equal access and opportunities and getting rid of discrimination and intolerance (removal of barriers).

Equality is not always about treating everyone the same – it is about treating people in such a way that the outcome for each person can be the same. This means putting things in place to support people to achieve similar outcomes.

Diversity - Real-life British politicians of all persuasions used to promote diversity as one of the jewels in the crown of our society. Diversity was viewed as a visible indication of the vibrancy of an inclusive, multicultural society, something to be celebrated and reflected throughout all levels of society. We should embrace this in our e-society as it'll encourage us to see others viewpoints more clearly.

Tolerance - is the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with. I feel tolerance should also enable a capacity to empathize with the other person’s viewpoint.

Respect is when you feel admiration and deep regard for an individual. You believe that the person is worthy of your regard and admiration because of the good qualities and capabilities that they hold.

It can take the form of treating people with courtesy, politeness, and kindness. Encourage others to express opinions and ideas. Never insulting people, use name calling, disparage or put down people or their ideas. You do not constantly criticize little things, belittle, judge, demean or patronise. (A series of seemingly trivial actions added up over time, constitutes bullying). You can give praise much more frequently than you criticize. Respect can be shown in many other forms

Time to heal

Whilst our community in the eUK does demonstrate a lot of the above often. We need these values to be at our core once again and celebrated.

From now on I call for all sides of the argument to remain calm, non-defensive, and respectful with their reactions

We need a readiness to forgive and forget and to move past conflicts without holding resentments or anger

We all need the ability to seek compromise and avoid punishing.

We all need to be positive, inclusive and tolerate.

We all need to value all citizens for the skills and experience that they bring.

We need to follow the eRepublik Laws and act within the Terms of Service that we all entered into when we signed up. It help defines what we should expect when we are here and perfectly fair to expect all citizens to honour eRepublik Laws and act within the Terms of Service.

In Practice

We can start this today. We are at the start of a new Congressional term and we are building towards a return to democracy. If all member of Congress come together, forgive the past and take counsel from what I've written, we could have an energic positive and productive Congress and wider society where we work past differences and achieve great success for the eUK.

Please show your support in the comments below.

TLDR - Let's turn over a new leaf today so when democracy returns it will be in a positive, inclusive community where all citizens are valued for the skills and experience that they bring.

I may be a dreamer on this one, however, wouldn't it be a wonderful thing for the eUK.

Thanks for reading

Huey George

Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Founder and Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Founding member of the Co-Operative of Equitable Pioneers
Founder of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Former Minister of Finance / Governor of the United Kingdom
Former Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minister of Education)
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Former Country President/Prime Minister of the United Kingdom