[eUK] - Counting down to Democracy

Day 3,910, 12:29 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


Despite being under a Dictatorship, there is a lot to look forward to in tomorrow Country Presidential elections.

The candidates are;

Mr Immanuel Kant (TUP supported by the WRP)
King William the Great (British Patriots)
Zaphod the Kinky Psychopath (Zaphod4CP Party supported by The Real Spamicans)
JiminyChristmas (People's Communist Party)
zaracool (Pokret Balkanskih Gradjana)

It's very likely that one of these candidates will be in place as our Country President when a revolution to reinstates Democracy is successful.

Although the political campaigning and policy direction has been dominated by MIK and TUP. Members from most of the eUK's top parties and our own Dictator have gotten involved in democratic debates over policy, this I feel shows a real thirst (or acceptance) for a return to democracy for despite it's flaws encourages more activity than a Dictatorship.

Thanks to MIK, Talon Karre and TUP for leading on this and all those citizens who have gotten involved.

The Dictatorship

Summary of Law Proposals during the Dictatorship

In essence, some tax reformation, another training war, some military reform (nothing new and somewhat indifferently received) some future planning with allies regarding the forthcoming resource wars, an airstrike and generally a similar "one-man" show.

All for a Dictatorship upkeep cost of £130,941.00 and rising.

Yes, the eUK has paid highly for this. . .when we could have done all this under a Democracy with no Dictatorship upkeep cost. . .

The laughter might be a tad too much as don't get me wrong, some of the above are good initiatives and decisions and UKSF's transparency to the general eUK public has been pretty exceptional when compared to recent standards.

However, why not ask the eUK public to chose it? The above actions are far from worthy enough to warrant taking choices away from democratically elected leaders. None of the above was ever proposed or campaigned for by any citizen, party or member of Congress during democracy. Were they only recently valid ideas or initiatives. . . I'm not sure, feels like they could have been done a long while ago and not via a the position of CP or in some cases even in Congress.

I have seen a few saying in essence "let's continue the Dictatorship" because what we've seen is better than alternative policy, then why has no-one launched a democratic country president campaign for it? A firm foundation of public support is the recipe for success for the above, a "Pay as you play" Dictatorship with one citizen doing all the heavy lifting and carrying will inevitably fail.

Tomorrow - Democracy

So please continue to debate and discuss the policy proposed by the candidates for the Country Presidency and make sure you do vote tomorrow.

My personal support will go to MIK, pro-democracy is a big factor for me as you might have gathered from what I've written above and I've been an advocate for and defender of Democracy in this "new world" for a long-time.

MIK is also the only citizen in the eUK with a manifesto that I've seen which sets out a vision for the long-term for the eUK. Again this is important as feverous activity for only a couple of weeks only goes so far if it can't be built upon.

Finally is MIK might be the only candidate not afraid or active enough to ask you to choose his policies. However there is still a bit of time left for the other candidates to respond.

Anyways who you vote for is your own choice, of course, please do vote though as I feel it is an affirmation that there a general will and consensus for the eUK to return to Democracy. \o/

Thanks for reading

Huey George

Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Founder and Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Founding member of the Co-Operative of Equitable Pioneers
Founder of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Former Minister of Finance / Governor of the United Kingdom
Former Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minister of Education)
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Former Country President/Prime Minister of the United Kingdom