[ePH] NEEDED: Transparency in Government

Day 1,254, 07:31 Published in Philippines USA by Jude Connors

Well, as it turns out, the third time is the charm. After failing to win in my first two elections in the Philippines, I finally catch a break and win one. I would like to thank those who supported me in my bid to become a Congressman of the Philippines.

As a freshman Congressman in the Philippines, I plan on learning how things work in the Filipino Congress. I don't plan on ruffling too many feathers, but there is one thing that is important to me and that I hope to get accomplished.

Transparency in Government - Without a doubt,one of the most pressing issues with the Filipino government is the complete lack of transparency. Unless you are a member of Congress, there is absolutely NO WAY to see what Congress is debating. Considering that Congress controls most of the laws of the nation, I feel this is a travesty!

Go ahead, check out the Congress forums and tell me what you see... there's eleven topics there, most of which are over a month old.

Solution: Two forums used by Congress to discuss matters. One private forum for discussing mutual protection pacts and other sensative information and another publicly-viewable forum used for most Congressional discussions.

This solution keeps Top Secret information secret yet provides transparency for most matters that come before Congress.

The Armed Forces of the Philippines has returned home after fighting in Europe in defense of Ireland and Austria. We are now fighting to defend our homeland against Indonesia and are stockpiling weapons for the inevitable resistance wars.