[DoF] Black & White

Day 2,580, 10:10 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The present article contains 3 points where I want to hear your point of view. If it looks too arid, it is because I expect your comments to bring some color here.


My opinion is that publishing the balance in the media is not acceptable. There is no reason players from all nations to see how much money we have now. I will provide information about our current capitals to any congress or cabinet member who require that information. Posting government information in the forums will make everything easier, but unfortunately we don’t use them now.

Money location and actions:

Part of our money are located in different government organizations for trading on monetary market. The offers are set in ratio 1 AUD = 0.005 G. RBA is also on MM with offer 1 AUD = 0.006 G in case that gold price drop to the levels from last week. There was/is an active bot on MM who keeps the price of the gold at this level. The worst possible scenario will be when 1 bar of gold is locked between 200 – 206 cc.

Houses – VAT and import tax changing:

What do we know about the houses?
Houses give us extra energy capacity and overtime tickets. Working for higher salary abroad you can earn extra incomes working overtime. The lowest price for Q1 house is around 270-280 cc and highest wage is 50 cc after taxes. By using house you will make 50-80 cc weekly profit. As far as I know there are not many houses producers in eAustralia and import tax in this case is pointless. It will be good if we reduce the VAT and import tax to the minimum which will release the market to everyone who wants to sell houses here.

Open to hear your opinion:
J Seemore