[CPF] The Primary and a Shameless Plug

Day 1,786, 16:34 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

Primary Underway

The Official CPF PP Primary is currently underway. In order to avoid confusion over qualifications, the following shall be the rules for the next month and onward.

Interest must be expressed in running by the 10th to the PP via PM, Moose Call, Newspaper or otherwise DECLARING ALONE WILL NOT PUT YOU ON THE BALLOT
Primary on the 10th-11th
Losers of the Primary must drop out on the 13th
Winner of the Primary must be declared a candidate in-game by at least the 13th

I encourage all CPF members to participate in the Primary.

Personal Plug

Most at the CPF should know my record these last two months. I have no crazy new plans for my third (and final) term, but I want to get our contests up and running and make them work well.

My PP "cabinet" is also changing up a bit, here are the members:

VPP: klop123
Election Coordinator: ElPatoDiablo
Media Leader: Randall Flagg 1999
Events Manager: TheSmoke
2nd VPP: Bryan Alexander

Senior Advisors: Wilhelm Gunter, Plugson

-Auk Rest
Party President