[CPF] The Call of the Moose

Day 2,650, 16:13 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

As you are now aware the CPF’s new PP Rylde turned out to be a PTO candidate with no interest in building our party but only in destroying it.

His rise to the position was aided by an unfortunate 3 way split in our vote and votes from outside the party, yet we only lost control by 2 votes.

A lot of members have understandably left the party with this PTO and the previous controversial result.

Please contact me if you are interested in taking our party back and returning to our core values. I will be setting up and co-coordinating an ATO effort.

I also call on all the party's of eCanada interested in building a better eCanada instead of destroying it, to help aide us in this endeavor.

It is unfortunate there are people in this community who get their fun out of tearing us down, instead of building us up, but we will not allow them to succeed.

Once we regain control of our party we will be going back to a PP primary and only running one official candidate.

If another party tries to PTO us again we will respond.

If you mess with the Moose, you will get the horns.

Thank you for your support,

Exalted Druid and your CPF ATO team organizers:

Klop123, TheSmoke, Alias Vision, Bryan Alexander, Lance Lucky, Auk Rest,