[CPF] State of the Party Address

Day 1,783, 16:35 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

State of the Party

Greetings Canadian Progressive Front. This is Auk Rest, your Party President. I figure now is as good a time as ever for me to write about our party, what has happened and what will come.

When I first ran I could never have imagined we that the CPF would move from around 90 members to now around 150 without any sort of recruitment drive what so ever. It makes me feel a little pride when I know those people chose us based on our record, not on any fancy recruitment drive. There are many promising faces within the CPF who will continue to contribute positively to our party moving forward.

So here we are, the #1 party in all of eCanada, we hold the CP and also 45% of Congress. Clan Wolf went from being a rival to a good friend, and the Coalition's influence continues to wane every day.

Needless to say, the CPF stands taller than ever before in its history. But the real question is...what next?

The Future

The first thing I must say to the members of The Canadian Progressive Front is this:

We must not grow complacent. We must always stand for something. We must never take any member for granted. We must never be arrogant or put the Party before the Nation.

These are long term things that we cannot ever forget, or we will go the way of the DAL and EPIC.

I would like to continue our good relationship with Clan Wolf and pursue better relations with the non Top 5 parties.

The biggest issue going around eCanada now is foreign affairs. We must determine where we stand on this issue. Are we going to continue our current path, align ourselves nearer to CTRL, EDEN, or some different solution?

Another thing the CPF should be doing now is getting some of those 60+ new members since August to be actively involved in the political process. This is on me right now, but I would suggest also to my Party Cabinet to help me out or get involved.

And of course the CPF's Tenets are always in focus. I believe we have a solid bunch of Tenets now that they have been edited from their previous status, but there is always room for improvement or the possibility of adding new ones.

As an added note, I have a formalized timetable for the rules of elections and primaries. Anyone interested can PM me for more detail or check your Moose Call.

So now we choose our path, CPF, it is not up to me to direct us down any path. That is for you to decide.

Seven Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front

1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Ensure Canada is a reliable and selfless ally
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy.

-Auk Rest
Party President