[CP] Update about the TW with France

Day 3,528, 09:56 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Firstly I would like to apology me because I didn't show up my government even if we can see it on the page country. So this is my cabinet :

×Prime Minister: Rican
×Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gyantse
×Minister of Home Affairs: Napoleon Tibi
×Minister of Defence: AG.Ortiz
×Minister of Finances: Plato

×Special advisor : Fhaemita the Apostate

About the current TW with France, we decided to stop it during few days in order to give back Graubunden to Slovenia (we have a rental agreement with them) and get a congress. So this is the plan we'll follow in order to make a TW again after the congress election :

1- In few hours, Switzerland will NE Slovenia and France will liberate Romandie.

2- Tomorrow, France will attack Svizzera italiana and Switzerland will attack Slovenia in a random region.

3- Thursday France will attack Romandie and Slovenia will attack Graubunden.

4- Friday the NE with Slovenia will stop and Switzerland will start to liberate their 3 regions before the congress election

5- Once the congress election will finish (26th July), Switzerland will NE France.

6- On the 27th July, Switzerland will attack Alsace and we've to lose this battle. On the next day, the TW will continue like the previous TW.

By the way, we are currently thinking about sign a MPP with Japan, Denmark and/or Belgium in order to have many battles in the same time than our TW.

Kind regards,

President of Switzerland