[CP] Report on the Government in April 2011

Day 1,261, 06:33 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Report on the Government in April 2011

Dear Swiss,

Less than 24 hours of presidential elections, it is time for the Government from April to take stock of the short term. The first major finding of this government is its great activity! For the first time in many years, Switzerland finally had a productive government and very far to meet the needs of the people! Despite some unexpected, our government has succeeded in reforming our country! The tax reform is beginning to bear fruit, even if we had slackened by members of Congress. Foreign policy has been modified with a approximation with Canada and France: we finally have a balanced neutrality!
At the time I publish this article, the presidential campaign is running for both candidates! While I am President of Switzerland and that I should not participate in discussions that range from the order of political parties, I think I'll make an exception today. This presidential election will elect a politician who will take my place in the office of President. It will therefore be considered as my successor and he will have an impact on the policy that the government carry up today! The decision is therefore difficult to make.
I have carefully read the programs of each candidate to succeed me, and obviously I have personal opinions on each. I support the entry of our country in LUNA! I support the construction of an organized army! I also support the new foreign policy that both candidates proposed! But I do not support the vision of DrPain in the organization of powers in the internal politics of our country! And I do not support his vision of helping people Switzerland! I have nothing negative to say about the program of Becker&Co, because as you probably noticed is a major part of my own proposals and have participated in building this program! I also think that the program of Becker & Co is a continuation of current government policy! Program DrPain gives me the impression of a flashback, when the government was inactive, without communication, and very isolated from people ... I hope that the Swiss will not make the mistake of voting for a reversal, when a month earlier, he chose the Change! We're on the road to change! It just takes time to be able to reform our country...

Here is the list of government's record! The proposals are in bold proposals for implementation.Proposals in italics, the proposals that we have not had time to implement, due to unforeseen circumstances (war with Slovenia, Attack of congressmen ill-intentioned,...)

MoFE (Economy)

- Reform taxes.
- Merger of national banks. (Our Grand Challenge for Economics this month)
- Support for Swiss companies with establishing protectionism Thoughtful.
- Monitoring of our national currency and implemented actions in an emergency to save our economy.
- Creation of a Supervisory Board Awards (CSP).
- Work on Future of Economic Stimulus Plan, to act quickly in crises of the future.
- Fund large economic projects.


- European Sommit. Euro Sommit of London, with UK.
- Presidential Summit between two countries.
- Reform of Cartography Embassies.
- Organization of War training with Italy but also with Austria.
- Normalization of relations with France.
+ A return of Romandie in the country. (Our Grand Challenge for the month of April)
- Alliance with Italy.


- Create an emergency Budget of National Security (BNS).
- Creating stock of weapons and food in case of war.
- Training of Staff and dynamic asset in case of conflict.


- Creation of a SoS (Secretary of State for Solidarity), for helping young people and any other person difficulties, but also will serve as a guide for new players.
- Creation post of a prime minister who will have a role to assist and advise the President and to have a role to shuttle between the Government and Congress.

- Reform of the Congress with the help of naturalization.
- Establishment of a Government of national unity bringing together people from various backgrounds. Objective: To take the best in the country.
- National Plan Anti-PTO.

MoC (Communication)

- Official article every 3-4 days.
- Regular Balance Sheet of government.
- Publication of Final Balance Sheet of the Government.


Julian Anderson,
President of Switzerland.

Official Journals of Government of Switzerland.
Governement of Switzerland
Swiss Ministry of Defense
Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secretariat of Solidarity
Swiss Ministry of Economy