[CP] Referendum

Day 3,055, 02:10 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Swiss Confederation
Federal State Release

Ladies and gentlemen,

the D-day for Switzerland has come, and I'm glad that you will take a responsibility instead of me. You will have to answer the most important question for Switzerland in the past years.

Switzerland Is a neutral country, considering we are very good allies with Macedonia, Indonesia and considering our MPPs with Chile, Croatia, you can easily say we are against-Asteria, but If you look at part of Europe where we are, you could see that we are surrounded by pro-Asteria or Asteria countries.
Anyway we've always emphasized our neutrality, even we had such a big problems with Slovenia through history.

I promised in my candidacy that we will turn our foreign policy to our neighbors and region, and try to establish a tie relations. Especially after Chilean AS last month which was a very hard blow for us. And I must assume that we managed that.

We had our little trip to Cuba, and with high CO we managed to conquer them. But when we were out of CO, allies and MPP's help missed (Macedonia is a exception, they fight for us no matter what), so that was another blow for us. Maybe they couldn't see our feelings but we were very disappointed.

Also ignorance of Croatian Government when we were in war and Spanish refusal of renewing MPP have sparked our thinking. Who are our true friends? Why are we always on the side who ignore us, refusing MPP proposals and attack our sovereignty? Maybe because we were constantly in war with Slovenia.

And now when Slovenia offering a peace and all core regions, showing a good will and interest in cooperation, we need to ask ourselves:
Are we going to take a chance and give support to all neighbors, and finally do something good for this country after a years and years of occupation, or we gonna keep walking on the road of disappointment?

If you look better, Macedonia have very good relations with Hungary, Serbia and few more Asteria countries. Slovenia have perfect relations with Bulgaria, Hungary, USA, France, Austria (our friends)...
Don't you think we should be on the same side?
Think a lot about this, and than answer a question:

Should we become pro-Asteria country or stay neutral?

Please vote: here

and than confirm your vote in the comment of this article.
Long live Switzerland!

Signed by:
Country President (March 2016.)