Day 2,510, 03:17 Published in Denmark Denmark by Ushlau

Just a small recap of my term as CP.

It has been a fairly slow term in many ways. The military highpoint came pretty much in the beginning of the term where eDenmark briefly was wiped by eSweden as part of the war between the countries of NSPP and the countries of Asgard. eDenmark was however quickly and easily liberated again and we were able to have congress election as usual. I believe most, even Asgard, will consider the war as a relatively clear win to the NSPP and it seems that this might was the final nail in the coffin for the Asgard alliance.

We had T4D (Tanks 4 Danes) a single time, but hopefully we can have more of that in the next term. It seems to be one of the more popular events - and given the current prices on Q7 - not that expensive.

The next term could look like a interesting one. The alliances seems to be shifting again and it is imperative that eDenmark still have strong allies. We need an experienced and well-connected president to ensure that. Fortunately Libertas has agreed to run for CP next term and I see no better man for the job than him. So remember to vote for Libertas at the CP election. I will run as back-up, but – VOTE LIBERTAS!
