[CP] Larni 4 CP: One More Dance.

Day 1,564, 22:03 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Wow, what a month it has been. From continuing the peace and close working relationship with our neighbours to war with Argentina, bouncing concepts around, implementing some, rejecting others, lowering taxes, increasing the military budget... and the MPP’s... so many nations want to make a mutual protection pact with eAus that its phenomenal. Then there is the birth of the Asia Pacific Alliance.

It has indeed been a busy month and yet there is still much work to be done. I admit I have been laxed in publishing articles, I promised one for yesterday detailing the Argentina subversion and underhanded techniques in engaging us on the battle field but a meeting with Indonesia drew my attention.

I have learned a lot during this month, most important is the deep seeded resentment certain nations posses for each other. As a RL Australian I cannot grasp the concept of eternal enemies and struggle to find the mid point within arguments but I do believe our nation has remained neutral through it all, and as a result our respect around the world now even extends to, can’t believe I am going to say this, eSerbia.

I would like to officially announce my intention to contest for another term as Country President, running under the AI banner and backed presently by A.P.P, the A.B.C and the R.O.A parties I will continue to drive our nation into a position of strength within our region and respect around the world.

I will not advocate sweeping changes, or make any grand announcements regarding the outlook of our nation but rather continue the work first started by Srg months ago.

There will be some cabinet changes as we rotate new blood in, and give the hard workers a month off and I will be appointing a new Deputy Country President, looking for a newish player for the role, and wish Majester (who will slot into an advisor position) well with his new baby.

If anybody would like to have a turn in the Executive Government please send me a message and we will slot you in somewhere.

Other than that it has been a solid month, better than a lot of people had considered possible and I will continue to serve this nation to the best of my abilities.

I would like to thank everyone in Cabinet who has helped out this month, its much appreciated. Your work goes largely unnoticed by the bulk of eAustralians and running Gov is a thankless task but you have all gone above and beyond what was expected of you. The success of this month is equally shared amongst the minister’s.

Long live freedom.

I may walk on the side of the Angels, but I am not one of them.