[CP] June 2017

Day 3,487, 17:26 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Firstly, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for electing me as the Swiss Country President for this term.

This term we are entering negotiations with Slovenia in order to rent 2-3 of our regions for 100-150k CC per month. At this time we are currently occupied by Slovenia temporarily; they will start to return our regions after day 3,488.

With the restoration of our democracy our congress takes on a bigger role, so I call upon the congressmen to increase their activity and be civil in their discussion. I also ask that they do what is best for the country, unlike one congressman Napoleon Tibi whom recently accepted an illegal immigrant.

I plan to create an immigration system that allows us to effectively manage who we let into the country, protecting us from another PTO.

We can only do this together.

I am proud to announce this month's cabinet, which will consist of some of our highly experienced players. I wish you all the best for this month.

×Prime Minister- Rican
×Minister of Foreign Affairs- Franckie18
×Minister of Home Affairs- Iviz Fer
×Minister of Defence- Gyantse

×Special advisor to the government will be Fhaemita the Apostate

This term I would like to see an increase in activity from Swiss users on our discord channel. We also have our IRC channel back up and running, #eSwitzerland.

Click here for the link to our discord

I can't wait to see the fruits of this term, and I can't wait for you to join on the journey with me!

Strength Through Unity

Best regards,

Swiss Country President