[CP] For sovereignty of Switzerland

Day 1,282, 11:12 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Good evening people of Switzerland.

Here is an article that you expected... in fact we are in uncertainty... in fact we are in the difficulty...
I am myself quite perplexed of our future... simply because our negotiations with Slovenia and Macedonia does not advance.
I've yet put a priority on the return of our Swiss regions... I contact virtually every evening President Slovenian but he does not wish to answer for the moment.
Diplomacy is therefore failed... only solution fight for our freedom.

As you know, Rican is my new MoFA, this is a very powerful man and I think further result in the days to come with him. As you can see we will soon reach Luna, a referendum is already launched to know our future in Luna or not.

Our finance, I save a maximum and I avoid to use money from the people for unnecessary military actions, this money can be used in better condition or for the recovery of the Swiss economy to our come back on the map.

For information, we spent approximately 50 000 CHF for both RW and equipment.

Currently the Government of Switzerland is very focused on our diplomacy, I give you the new Swiss Government:

CP: Becker & co
VP: Julian Anderson
MoFA: Rican
SoS: Luka
Consultant for Foreign Affairs: Xeraes, Xavibong, JFstpierre, Ripp913

If the negotiations fail, we will fight for our freedom before the end of my mandate.

I request the Swiss population to remain calm and stay United. I make my maximum.

If you have any questions, contacted me IG or on IRC.

President of Switzerland

Official Journals of Government of Switzerland.
Governement of Switzerland
Swiss Ministry of Defense
Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secretariat of Solidarity
Swiss Ministry of Economy