[CP] End of mandate December

Day 3,700, 02:49 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Dear Swiss citizens and friends,

I was couple of times Swiss Country President and I had a lot of experience but for sure I can tell this mandate was mine hardest and most disappointing, hope you all will understand that was hard to fight against the low activity because of the holidays and I hope that we are going to improve more in the following months. I started optimistic and with big desire to start some of my ideas and project but like I say activity was low and I can`t do it alone. All of them will be passed to the next CP and all the CP who will come after so we can progress and make something good for our community. After all we were not that bad! We arrange the new TW with Taiwan and we build a good friendship with our new TW partners. Hope we are going to improve it and after our TW we are going to continue our good relations and maybe sign MPP. We bring back the DO and they were on daily basis maybe not edited 2 times or 3 per day like we promise but they were here thanks to our Minister of Defense and our next Country President Muy Caliente. We signed couple of MPP`s with our allies when they needed and help them in their wars. I would like to mention our epic Air battle for Norway when our planes were flying and win the round. Big thanks to our Uncle Rican and krispo we did amazing thing! Win the CO and Finland! We helped UK and set CO for our allies that were financed by me, and I`m happy to say that we helped them to send Colombia home. Our relations with Israel is one of my favorites we are in constant talks and hope they will be our new partners in the alliance so together we can build a good communities. Overall it was a good month and we did a lot but I get disappointed when I fail to bring at least one of my ideas and start working on it.

Now I`m going where I`m best in Foreign Affairs, I will do my best for our country and I say better days are coming!

Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere
Swiss Country President