[CP] End of mandat November.

Day 3,666, 06:48 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Dear Swiss community

November CP mandat finish in 2 day's. Mandat of month November was active with full of project's by
me like CP and my goverment.

Goverment of month November was:

President Murdersas

Prime Minister Rican

Minister of Defense AG.Ortiz

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Blackbeard I

Minister of Education Muy Caliente

Project's what is "born" in month November
and my CP mandat:

Invest in one player 200.000 cc for buying BP

Package get our honored Swiss player krispo

I hope that this project, will continue in future and will be supported also from Swiss goverment's if finance allow that.

Training war with UAE.

Training war with UAE finish and we all have fun and active battle's all month. I hope you liked 😉

Project for Avio player's.

This Project idea first start with simple advice to our citizen's.

Than the Project idea was "born" and start to be implemented in practice.

Read more about that: [CP]Plan for Avio players!

Responsible people for project was:

Ofcourse donation's was not how we sayed, because our finance's was "killing us" but we fight more and more and get some support from eRepublik also.

Read more here about support from eRepublik also.

and about donation to player's 1'st weekhere

Project with continue if new Country President support us.That is our plan. Murdersas & Muy Caliente are here to continue with their hard work on this Project 😉

Only 1 project unfortunately wasn't implemented in practice.That is project about upgrade Training Center's to swiss citizen's who need that.

This project was unsuccessful because our finance like country, doesn't allow that, but i hope in future, some goverment will accept my idea and will implement when that will be possible.

On the end of this big article and active month full of project's i want to maximize thanks to people who was active and "fight" with me everyday, to project idea's became reality:

Prime Minister Rican

Minister of Defense AG.Ortiz

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Blackbeard I

Minister of Education Muy Caliente

Also to say that idea for new Aliance where Swiss is founder with Moldova. More info about that idea and New Aliance read it here.

Again i will remmember our community players, to join our discord channel.

On the END i can say just:

I hope you will remmember my November mandat like good, don't need to be perfect for 1'st time(A modest guy this Murdersas 😛 )and you will all continue with your active in game and "fight" to be strong like community!!!

I wish Good Luck to all candidate's for Country President for month Decembar o7

With FULL Respect and Honour!

Best regards,
Country President in leaving his seat for month November
