[CP] Change in the Goverment!

Day 3,703, 22:46 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Dear Swiss citizens and friends,

This is short article with NEWS about change in goverment of Switzerland! o7

Because already we are in big battle with Sweeden, where we need to support our allies, in this case Norway... we need active goverment.That isnt case for every member in goverment!

Deputy Minister of Ministry for Defence:King Philip

King Philip it will be out of the goverment, because no answering on msgs, no coming on discord and no helping to the team at all.

I'm sorry that i need to write this kind of article, but i got this function President of Switzerland because i hard work and citizens of Switzerland voted me to be active when my time allows me that(at least few minutes per day right?)...

Like your President, i CALL you ALL citizens of Switzerland, to come to our discord channel , to be active in everyday conversation's with our citizen's, where you can give idea's, chat and hanging out with us.

Everyone who want to join in goverment for this month, have idea's for some project's, contact me!

BE ACTIVE, don't sleep! 😉


Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere
Swiss Country President
Muy Caliente