[CP] Blackbeard I - Switzerland National Plan for December.

Day 3,670, 05:53 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Swiss citizens, friends and allies,

I would like to thank you for your support and trust in the elections. It`s my pleasure to be Country President again. December is hard month to be the leader and activity is always low because of the Christmas and the holidays, hope I`m going to get the support from all the citizens and allies for good month not just for me for all of us.

We already facing some issues and I`m working to solve them soon as possible.

Ministry of Defense

Minister of Defense:
Deputy Minister of Defense:
Deputy Minister of Defense:

- Operation Comand Center

Operation Comand Center ( OCC ) is organization that will look after our military and military operations. The organization will have meetings weekly and will cooperate with Country President and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

OCC members:

Minister of Defense:
Deputy Minister of Defense:
Swiss Guard Commander: Rican
Swiss Guard Second Commander: Iviz Fer
Swiss Air Force Commander: Murdersas
Swiss Air Force Second Commander: Muy Caliente
Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Deputy Ministe of Foreign Affairs:
Country President: Blackbeard I

- Daily Orders

Daily Orders will be set after OCC priority and for the articles we are going to have three or more people who are going to update the DO. The article should be updated three times per day.

- Military Fond

OCC together with the Ministry of Defense and Governor will create the " Military Fond" and in the same fond they will spread the money trough smaller fonds and decide where they are going to invest. Governor will helping trough MM.

- Combat Order Fond
- Defense Fond
- Packs Fond
- Special Unit Fond

- Special Unit

Special Unit or how I would love to call them " Wolf Pack" is going to be our special unit where we are going to organize our citizens who are going to get pack or they already playing with packs. Helping each other like the examples of Macedonian Military Units and taking care of our battles will be our goal to create strong Military that will help our country and our allies winning the battles and making gold that later will be invested in there own profiles for EB`s.

Special Unit will have own seperated fond and will be used at the begining for helping the peopple with stroung accounts to get the pack and later will be moved on another level where we are going to invest in production for supplies of the "Wolf Pack" or production where we are going to profit and cover the packs with the Industry where they helped trough the " Special Unit Fond".

Special Unit Fond will be supplied by the pack players donating one battle hero every day creating the fond that later will be invested in the project that will going in the MU. Also trough the MM.

The final goal is going to create a special unit that will be respected in the BH`s field and amoung our friends and allies. Financing the military unit trough the Industry and keep our country safe!

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs:

- Weakly Article

Our citizens should know the situation in the world and our situation in the foreign politics. for that reason we are going to create a artilce on weekly basis. The article is going to give information to our citizens about the World Situation and the activity of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs about our latest meetings and relations with our friends and allies.

- Minstry of foreign Affairs - stability.

For stable politics we should have constant Minister and group of people who are going to care about our relations and foreign politics. Changing government and people in our Ministry of Foreing Affairs is slowing us down and puting back always one step back. For that reason I`m going to put a law in congress where we are going to vote after the discussion about " Ministry of Foriegn Affairs - Stability " The law will be presented soon in public.

The main idea is to create a election for Minister of Foreign Affairs where every citizen from Switzerland can run and send the eCV to the special committe that will chose 3 candidates and put them in the elections. They are going to be elected in the congress. So the congress will decide after they read the eCV who is going to be our MoFA in the next 3 months.

The idea is to find active MoFA who is going to be constant and take care about the foreign politics.

More about this project will be published soon when we are going to finish the law and start the competition.

Ministry of Education

Minister of Education:
Deputy Minister of Education:

- Christmas event

We are looking for idea about the Christmas where our community can have some fun. Hope we are going to come up with something special.

- Journalist Project.

Swiss is going to invest in Journalism! Every Jounrlist who is going to publis article in Switzerland will be refunded, he is going to get extra money depands from the quality of the article and promotion 24h in the feed. The Swiss writers and ADC members will have more benefits in this project.

So we are going to create a committee and and rules about the Journalist Project soon as possible in our Ministry of Education newspaper. And we are going to set a budget. This idea will be passed also to Plato hope he is going to give extra funds. And I will loke foreign people who are interested in journalism to help and be part of the committee.

Ministry of Finance

Deputy Governor:

- Pirate Labor Force

We are running a project that will help our budget, and for now we are earning more than 3.000cc per day. Hope till the end of the month that will go up and we are going to earn more than 4.000cc per day so. We are going to add araound 100.000cc in the treasuary at the end of mine mandate.

- Monday Labor Day

Because of the bad sitation in our economy, I will ask our citizens who can and who have desire to help Switzerland to donate there sallary on " Monday Labor Day ". The article will be published Sunday with the sitation of our treasuary.

- Swiss Industry

If we want to have stability we should invest in capital projects, like an Industry and production. I`m already working and making maths how and what is most profitable to do it how to be runed. We are going to discuss more and find way to start an Swiss Industry and production of food, weapons, houses. All the profit from the Industry will be sent to the treasuary every month. And will be open to the public.

- Swiss Natiolan Fond

Creating the Swiss National Fond will open profits for all citizens. Trough the work in the Monetary Market and the Market with all our organizations we are going to make a profit. The fond is going to be open and public where the citiznes can follow the situation.

How the fond is going to work?

We are going to add the money from Switzerland treasuary and we are going to open fond for the citizens. So every citizen can donate how much he want and get 50% from the profit.


Blackbeard I donated 20.000cc and we make him 30.000cc he is going to get 20.000c back and 50% profit. So we made 30.000c that is profit from 10.000cc. Blackbeard I will get +5000cc and other 50% are going to the fond.

The refund and the profits are going to be given back every month, and we are going to open another cycle. Again the citiznes can donate.

- Swiss Economy Article

We are going to create google sheet where every citizen can follow where every CC is going and the situation in our Economy. Also we are going to start weekly articles where we are going to publish all the expenditures, profits and transactions.

I left the position of the Ministries open, already talking with couple of people later or this days they will be updated. I call every Swiss active citizen who want to help to send me a Message!

Hope we can finish 90% of the plan for this month and move to the next with new ones and with big progress.

Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere!
Swiss Country President
Blackebard I