[Comet4PP] Heroic Polonaise

Day 3,250, 00:02 Published in USA Croatia by Selak Ivan

Hello 🙂

Is there anyone who knows this music? This is called "Heroic Polonaise" or Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. 53 and it written by Chopin, my favorite musician.

When the 1848 Revolution began in France, women had no rights and a women named Sand believed these were necessary for progress. On hearing Chopin's Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. 53, Sand said

"The inspiration! The strength! The vigour! There is no doubt that such a spirit must be present in the French Revolution. From now on this polonaise should be a symbol, a symbol of heroicness!"

In spite of Chopin's reluctance to bestow descriptive names on his music, music scholars and concert pianists have nevertheless associated the grand architecture of the music with this sobriquet, "Heroic." (wikipedia)

That is my favorite piece of all great Chopin's music. So why the hell I brought this?

'Cause that is going to represent WTP's image next month if I get elected as PP. Inspiration for young members. Strength and wiseness of experienced members. Renewed Vigour of the whole party.

I am sure that Hekter can lead our party to right way. But WTPers, please consider my passion and enthusiasm toward erepublik and toward our party, We The People. I will promise you that we will have a month of glory.

Time to vote, friends.


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